Do you want more Loyalist Packs?

That would actually be a pretty cool way to add wings without really adding wings :stuck_out_tongue:

In this context: I really, really like the idea of armor based on the three final bosses (Loghorrean/Theodin/Korvaak) that was suggested above, too, as a way to kind of take on their awesomeness after smashing their faces in.

I know we already have a few illusions based on those (Log shoulders, Horns of Korvaak…) but I’d honestly be totally fine if they were just reskinned a little – but complemented with some awesome new stuff (maybe a glove+two-hander combo that gives you a great big Loghorrean tentacle mace growing out of your shoulder? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ).

And then maybe two sets based on heroes like Ulgrim to also have something bright/‘pretty’ to contrast with the horror? If polished up a little, Ulgim’s chestpiece with the two swords on its back could look very cool!

After all, this LP would be targeted at pretty hardcore GD fans :slight_smile:

For sure!!!

The more Crate released new updates, the more they made me feel like I robbed them for the price I paid.
+1 Need MAOR. :sweat_drops:


I want this too. I want to look like a Barbarian who is shirtless (Waist wrap Armor like Riggs) or a D3 witch doctor.
I also want hoods, helmets and hats with beards or horns (or both) for men.

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Where’s “shut up and take my money” meme? I’m kinda disappointed in ya, people! :frowning_face:
I dunno if LP1 or LP2 was succesful in terms “hours spent/money gain” for Crate, so they shold definitely bring on a new pack if it’s profitable enough. Doing so right after FG’s rogue dungeon release should be very inspiring for us buyers.


At this point I’ll pretty much buy any new content that Crate puts out for this game.


ZantaiToday at 22:06 in GD discord:

if I get my say, loyalist pack 3 would be mythological god themed…or gd god themed, but we’ll see if we’re doing a pack 3 and what the other voices have to say on the matter


Now that would be awesome…

Mythological gods from major historical cultures would be a bit boring for a loyalist pack if one goes by classical depictions (unless they are from the current pop culture, there are a lot of togas, loin cloths and classical medieval armor)


Yeah, I propose one full set based on mythology - a Satyr. You just need a pan flute offhand and wear nothing more.
Seriously saying, mythological god is Titan Quest’s thing, while GD god could be way more interesting. Will buy anyway, bring it on :sunglasses:

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Zantai take my money ( ゚ Д゚)ノ[ ($) ]

Need a Pirate theme. Parrot pet, peg leg pants, hook glove, hat with eye patch.

Edit: Also a ghost themed illusion set.


First of all thanks 4 all your great work. I have 2 loyalist packs. Bought them just to support the team and I’ll buy another regardless of content. Still as we are making requests here a proper two-handed curved blade would be most welcome (something like a kriegsmesser or a nodachi) + Maybe a long hair wig.


Yes please! I’d buy one in a heartbeat!

I would like another pack.
my request is another brew that dulls the senses.
It is wonderful to play with the Burwitch brew and be periodically stunned while in combat.

[searches] Huh, no one’s mentioned cloaks. Odd… was that already shot down or something?

shapeshifting will never happen in Grim Dawn but the only way I can imagine it ever happening is through a loyalist pack. A potion that when consumed transforms the MC into a meme werewolf during the night. or something like that. No stats advantage just something to annoy us occasionaly

Yes, capes have been shot down already iirc.

Capes are associated with mmo rpgs so people here dont like it. Same with wings and mounts.

You could always mod in a cape I guess. That’s already been done with wings.

as it stands now loyalist packs are nothing but fashion dawn and a small way to support Crate

How bout pushing things further and supoorting the players at the same time.

My idea is for example enable the pets(example the crate pet) to have the ability to act as a moving caravan which adds a nifty space say to store exclusive crafting materials/ components, something like that. A small feature that is useful and does not bring a game breaking advantage towards the paying public.

This way we feel that pets are useful and not just for the show. This way also people will buy loyalist packs in the spirit of MOAR!