Title. Thanks in advance.
Nope. Viper can only be applied with skills with weapon damage. Need 100% weapon damage to apply the full effect.
I assume he meant if rr from these stacks. It is. He can even throw in Elemental Storm as well.
I confused the the Occultist buff with the devotion proc. Calling Eldritch Fire makes it less confusing on which one you are talking about.
But, then yeah. Viper, Eldritch Fire and Aura of Censure stack.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but all % RR can stack, and the -flat reductions don’t.
Acid Spray and Elemental Storm don’t stack, but individually, they do stack with all the % RR’s, such as viper.
Aura of Censure stacks with them all. And yeah, viper requires weapon damage to apply, and if that weapon damage% is less than 100%, the effect is also less than 100%.
Actually, all -flat RR stack (because they’re part of their parent buffs), while %RR and flat reduced RR dont (because they all put a specific debuff, different from parent skill.
Will do. There are two types of %RR. One is formulated as -% resistance, while another is % reduced target’s resistance. The former stacks with anything, including other -% resistance bonuses. The latter doesn’t stack with other similar bonuses, so if you have two sources of this type only the strongest will apply. E.g. rr from Hand of Ultos and Viper doesn’t stack.
So they stack if a - is in front, and they don’t if there isn’t.
yes that is correct.