Does damage conversion works on character's skills?

Hello! So, to clarify - I understand that skill-specific conversion obviously works on skills, but if I just have a piece of armor that just says it converts x damage to y damage, would it work on skills or it just works on weapon and gear damage?

works on anything, it’s referred to as global conversion
only criteria is the dmg (regardless where it is) isn’t converted before since conversion can only happen once

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Thanks, man!

It isnt as obvious as you think. Actually, skill-specific convertion doesnt work on the skill completely. It works on the base skill, but not on its modifier (for example, a Primal Strike conversion wont work on “chain lightning”, added by Torrent modifier).
“Global” conversion (like the one on the armor) works on everything, including skill modifiers. However, skill-specific modifiers take priority, so if a skill, for example, gets “100% physical → fire” conversion, a global “50% physical → lightning” wont work for it, as there is no physical damage remaining to convert from.

direct skill conversion works on skill modifiers too, as long as it’s not secondary effect modifiers
good example is Blackwater Cocktail, a direct conversion would affect the entire line, since it’s a normal skill
but some skill’s have a separate additional effect in their bonus nodes, iirc stupid_dragon referred to it as “if it behaves like a devotion proc” extra effect outside the normal skill, then it’s a secondary effect mechanic modifier that wont get converted on direct conversion

Yes, i meant modifiers with secondary effects, like Torrent.

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