Does Savagery boost WPS procs?

Simple question I guess, but I couldn’t figure out the answer due to confusing wording. Assume you’re Nightblade/Shaman and you have Savagery as your LMB. Whirling Death procs - does its damage get boosted by Savagery or no? I.e. does it work like Lethal Assault (Nightblade) or Deadly Momentum (Soldier)?

They stack but don’t feed into each other, if that makes sense.

You’ll essentially apply Savagery’s damage + Whirling Death’s damage in the same hit.

Something like Lethal Assault adds some flat damage to your default attack which is then increased (or decreased) via % Weapon Damage on a WPS. Savagery does not do this.

Sort of - so assuming you have fully stacked Savagery, it will spread 360 degrees? So basically Proc damage/target amount/arc % + Savagery damage but not multiplied?

Correct, yes.

Kinda like this:

Charges: 150*115 = 172.5% Weapon Damage

WPS: 172.5%*130% (Feral hunger) = 224.25% Weapon Damage