Does the arrow on a building or tower serve a purpous?

Buildings and towers have an arrow pointing out a direction, presumably the entrance, but does it serve any purpouse?

I understand it as the buildings entry/exit access points.

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I interpret this as the “front” of the building. It seems to be only asthenic however and have no impact on the ability of a villager to enter a building. I mean if you were to face this directly into another building the villager would still be able to access the resource and not be restricted.

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Very useful! It gives you an orientation that you can control with the TAB key, so you can rotate it to whichever of the 4 cardinal points you desire. Given there are only 4 models (for each level) of house, it can get visually repetitive very fast if you don’t manually control both which of the four you place, and its orientation.

Without the arrow, you wouldn’t be able to distinguish between some of the four house model options because they look quite similar even if they are placed within the lot differently.

PS - on a tower, you will note the ladder can be moved to a different orientation by tabbing. A small detail, to be sure, but something that can be done. I wish there were arrows on items that might at first blush look symmetrical - like the 2 x 2 plaza for instance; be cause the decal is not in fact symmetrical, but with no wire frame visible, you can’t get any visual indication of this when placing it…

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