Does this Ring any Bells?

Me and my wife are celebrating 11 years this month. This is awesome. For a moment I felt Zantai was talking about us, lol. My wife could actually do something like that, she knows how crazy I am about GD. Gratz to the happy couple!


Popular month for weddings it seems. 28th anniversary for us later this month. :grinning:


Just found the ring then came to the forums and found this post.

What a nice gesture from Crate and congratulations to the happy couple!

Very nice gesture from Crate!

As a part of this community offer my congratulations to this couple and best regards to all :bouquet:

Very cool. I found two straight away so I’m good to go. Thx

Can anyone confirm that this ring drops on the GoG version?

Yes, GOG confirmed. Found it on Elite first.