Dominion skill from the "Eye of Dominion" off-hander and totem issues

I thought I had a bug when clearing one of the new Celestial Totems as I had killed all the spawns - at least I thought I had? - and the totem had not shed it’s loadout.

Could not see the missing monster by scouting the area, but looking around at my vast summoned army (I can have many different spawned or controlled creatures from various skills at any given time), I noticed I had a creature from the totem that had been controlled by my Dominion skill.

All you actually have to do in this situation is to wait for the Dominion effect to wear off and slaughter the now hostile creature and the totem will drop it’s load.

Definitely NOT a bug and quite logical if you think about it as even though you are temporarily controlling it, it still has a link to the totem’s drop requirement :grim_dawn:

That’s why I hate those type of skills and never use them. :laughing:

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Agreed, it is a real quirky skill, but I actually really enjoy it.

With a huge summon ability already in my build this skill adds a pleasant random novelty factor in that I often see monsters (as shown from the totem example) running around with me that I could never be able to summon from the standard skills.

It is also amusing when you portal back to a town with controlled creatures when the the effect wears off - the townspeople as well as your summoned guys go ape shit to take them down.

Yea, not really top endgame skill material, but to me enjoyment, experimentation and exploration are key factors to any RPG and this game has no shortage of any of them.

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So Mind Control still exists??? I thought they did away with it! Im excited to learn about this! Let me look up that item…

Not sure,
Eye of Dominion is the only item I have come across so far that can temporarily turn enemies to fight on your side.

I don’t think Mind Control is totally dead as there is a medal that has defense against it for your pets and the skill only really makes sense in a pet build anyway - I think?.


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Id honestly planned to use Mind Control as a niche “secret weapon” against an opponent using Pets in PvP, back before they removed it from a ton of items like I think Devil’s Charm used to have it, and my favorite source, Codex of Truths. Was pretty sad when the stat disappeared off those items.

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Mind control exists for enemies to dominate your pets and turn them against you, thus a mind control resist makes sense lest you get ripped apart by your own friends.

MC on items as a castable skill sucks, as you found out it is more of a hinderance than a help. The best way to utilize it is a very long lasting stun, just make sure you kill your victims quickly while they are under your control.

If it’s like in TQ you can’t attack them while they’re under your influence. Have to wait for it to wear off.

If you have a melee weapon you can hit them and kill them. Doesn’t work with ranged or spells, dunno why.