Dragonkin - The Banished

Yet another new aRPG joins the fray. This one is made by the same people who made Warhammer: Chaosbane.

They have a fourth class in the works, the Archer (toxic damage).

First impression: it kinda looks like a Diablo 3 clone :smile:
But that doesn’t mean its gonna be bad. I actually liked Diablo 3 for the mindless slaughterfest it was. Maybe this game will have some deeper mechanics, but I’d be fine with a casual approach too. Not every ARPG has to be on the level of Grim Dawn or Path of Exile.

Warhammer: Chaosbane. definitely was more casual. Though this:

already looks more complicated than I remember Chaosbane to be. Hopefully it’ll be more interesting. :crossed_fingers:

yeah I saw that in one of the trailers, not sure what I’m looking at but there seems to be at least some depth to it. Maybe some kind of mix’n’match system for skill customisation? Could be interesting…

I haven’t played Chaosbane, so don’t know what to expect from this game either.

From what I can gather from the comments here, the combat and skill system is dumbed down even more than D3.

What about the world design and quest system? Does Chaosbane have an open world that’s worth exploring, or does it join the long list of uninteresting Warhammer shovelware. Same question about quests, does Chaosbane have interesting quests?

No. It’s very linear, you can choose some paths iirc, but after that it’s very linear. I can’t remember too much from it tbh :smiley: GD is 100x more interesting to me.

That’s disappointing.

Guess we’ll just have to wait and see how Dragonkin turn out.

Yeah that’s how I felt playing it :sweat_smile: hopefully they can do more here.