I wanted to update my old Sorcerer, which was the first character I beat HC ultimate with but keep her Aether themed so after tinkering with Dreadscorcher I came up with this.
It’s not going to win any speedclear trophy or probably not even going to beat gladiator Crucible but it’s enough to beat the campaign on hardcore if you’re careful, it’s also pretty to look at.
Honestly, it’s far from being a super strong build and is more of a fun aether gunwizard themed build.
The skills are:
-Fire Strike with Arcane Currents attached, it’s going to spawn purple runes shooting waves od arcane stuff at enemies all over the place, it’s what makes the build so cool visually.
-Flashbang because it’s never not good and is pretty much just here as a one(two) point wonder.
-Blackwater Cocktail for the RR and damage reduction but you should be kiting anyway.
-Aether Corruption with Arcane Bomb attached, it’s the aether version of curse of frailty, use it before every fight.
-Mirror of Erectote because you’re a bit squishy.
-Nullification, can be useful and it’s cheap.
The medal can be changed into anything you want, I’m just using Mark of Div it as a circuit breaker for HC.
Enjoy and feel free to share if you have some ideas for improvements.
I would drop Attack Seru and all weird stuff you picked on the way to it.
Also lots of useless stuff in skill point distribution . https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YZevGkrN
I get what you’re going for and my original devotion setup looked pretty much identical but it also lacked some of the spectacle that make a generic boring auto attack build into something a bit more interesting, even if only visually.
Good stuff for the skillpoints though, I didn’t know overcapping Maiven reduced the damage debuff.
Seems interesting. Totally depends what you are going for in concept. I thought a bit about the concept a while ago.
I’ll just say that from my experience: Attak Seru’s proc (Arcane currents) is …finicky and often relatively ineffective due to terrain interference.
Imho you want to keep static strike maxed as you have - for the 3/4 chance of getting ~3k more aether from the lit convert, not to mention it adds ~50% fire boost to the line before conversion. Mind that 1% of wpd is ~150. So 3k is ~20% boost, not counting the rest of FS.
But… points are sparse for everything, though. So ymmv with what you like to use.
Another couple of options:
swapping to kriegs chest +clairvoyant hat+shoulders:
-gives a bit more %aether and + skills
-gives some more flex due to the extra chaos convert outside of FS, if you find yourself throwing BWC a lot - or if you have attacks outside FS with %WD. You could then put some points into the middle BWC line and profit off the chaos part a bit (espeically with the extra pre-convert % bonus from AFlames).
full kriegs + oleron’s blood for 20% reduced damage. Arcanist skills +1, big flat aether, and no need for BWC. (use Krieg’s stomp)