Dreeg's Descendant DEE build []

I’m pretty sure there’s a safeguard against that, something really simple like “if dot has ticked during the last second, wait until next full second mark regardless before ticking again”. Would be amazingly broken if there’s no such safety.

If you watch doted enemies healthbars (without hitting them) the health loss is smooth. The appearance of ‘ticks’ is just a book keeping method to show you how much damage an enemy is taking from your dots.

Obviously that isn’t true for once/sec damaging debuffs like word of pain or pox’s flat vitality damage though.

DoT builds are already OP. This is not a a main dot build/set any more but it still gets decent dot support

As for flat dmg, i don’t question it needing a bump

After some more thought…this would be an interesting way to go rather than acid for DEE spam. Better DEE dps from conversion + -RR focus. Ratosh LLRR . Because imho Dead God is also the optimum path for acid DEE spam…so might as well go all the way…and as result the large portion of vit damage(without conversion) isn’t so mitigated by vit resist.

Dreeg set should work fine for + to skills. Vit has a couple of decent -RR rings.

The exception is the cases where some mobs are more vit resist and less acid. However the extra -RR from vit rings usually offsets this in my experience. It would be interesting to see your opinion comparison to what you ran in the OP vid posted.

This sadly shows that basic DEE and devotion pathing/acid itemization (rings) need work.
(but not pet BoD acid, though, which probably needs reduction to 5 or 10m radius from 20m!)

Does Deathstalker scale with your conversion too? It should if it acts like an extension of the character; Vit deathstalker mutation. However, full vit could likely do better to use Eldritch pact, with DEE spam. Eh…guess that changes the build concept a bit too much.

So, I tried a variant of the OP build with a Pyro. I am missing the amulet from the set, so I swapped in Radagann’s and a shield that felt like trying. Thus the toon mix was missing a big chunk of potential damage from the set proc and the 5 set features …so about 2/3 damage damage with no pass through ad hoc Dee spam build grim tools

End conclusion: just too energy hungry for the bang. Also not much bang for the buck in spam form (comparing to guns) mostly because of the need to deal with two damage types on top of a lot of dot.

Dee spam is as bad as Acid Purge spam for energy.

In a fight with Alex, I spent half of a long fight kiting in order to regenerate the completely drained energy bar . The 30% energy helmet proc gimmick is a bit risky and is only 5s (plus I was not playing with a leech proc on DEE. I was leeching via SoC). Bastard has about 95 acid resist, so that was trouble; I guess that’s where some vit %RR would have been good to have as he’s only got ~25 vit resist.

Well…I had to rely on almost maxed vulnerability and the manticore proc (already maxed), as Murmur was ~ tier 1…so ~-40% RR with maybe 28 manticore at times meant he was not getting a lot from the acid part. All that poison bundled into DEE going to waste…

I also was using the Relic pet, so that was another -10%RR at times.

Obviously I would need need to add much more spirit, ectoplasm, or medal of the sea, etc. Maybe pick devotions and components with -%skill energy. That seems like a lot of compromise, though.

Interesting experiment, but that is enough Dee spam for me. Dee skill needs a fair boost.

Edit: I thought the familiar would be handy for energy regen…but with no pet commitment I wasn’t very successful with that approach.

Also…looks like I was running all this time without augments on the weapon/shield (I noticed this on respec of this toon to another experiment). Oh well, 100% acid boost missing = ~5% damage boost. Would be same conclusion, though: too energy-hungry and too much damage type split.

About spammable Vitality based DEE:

GT: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/D2pvgppZ
I tried a conjurer version someone suggested to me. Felt too squishy and too little dmg. DEE Spam definitely needs a good deal of love.

I also tried Snazz’s build: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/w26PEXxZ
Less dmg from DEE than above build, but Ravenous Earth helped round out the build in a lot of ways. This build has so much life steal it feels super safe but unsatisfyingly slow as a caster.

I also set out to try spam DEE as my first acid build because I liked the idea of having a large number of guardian gaze procs circling you even vs single target.

After trying desperately to make a satisfactory build on grimtools I came to the same conclusion as madlee. Seal of Shadows blows untransmuted DEE out of the water in every way possible.

Shadows grants 254 flat acid, 70% weapon damage, +25% crit and all this comes for the energy cost of 45. DEE on the other hand requires immense gear and skill point investment to hit 250+ acid and high weapon damage, it has a much higher energy cost and doesn’t have the in-built +% crit like Shadows does. It might even be impossible to make acid DEE spam better than Seal of Shadows skill, but even if it is it requires too much investment for no gains because you miss out on the best of both: gear for Seal of Shadows and use transmuted DEE.

I am not peeved by this finding though; Seal of Shadows is a really cool looking skill imo and DEE is naturally designed around high poison dots so giving it more acid doesn’t make sense (what would make sense however is raising the acid damage but shifting the majority of the poison onto the transmuter itself. that would be proper balance?).

I’ve been streaming transmute DEE + Shadows build for the past fortnight. Yet to test the build in end game gear so I can’t comment on the power in that regard, but it’s been working well so far (hit level 100 last night in HC).

Transmuted DEE is fine. But that’s a fantastic comparison I hadn’t thought of. Seal of Shadows vs. DEE. This might be the example of disproportionate relativity I need to bolster my argument for greater change to spammable DEE (and appropriate nerfs to Focused Gaze so it doesn’t become OP if the base skill is buffed). Thanks!

After you make the case to the devs try the idea of using Shadows as the spammable skill and transmute DEE. It’s a really fun build :).

So I finally got around to testing the endgame build I theorycrafted for seal of shadows + DEE. I think it works out quite nicely. I did an Ancient Grove run video and showed the which affix (Subpar affix selected on purpose to show it’s not required) I chose for cheated items.

For gladiator crucible it will need better affix/more life steal. Open to improvement suggestions.

Let me what you think adoomgod :).

Ancient Grove run: https://youtu.be/_KyCw4Xwd0k


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Looks super cool. Hadn’t tried building around that seal in all this time playing actually so it ought to be fun to mess with.

The link you shared has no suffixes of prefixes on the MI’s, so lots of room to play around there. Build should end up pretty damn solid in terms of hitting the stats all builds want to reach.

I’m not actually very good at min-maxing or theorycrafting builds, hence I come here to ask for support more than make my own stuff. Though I do have a septuple/octuple meteor proc/skills character I helped Bankai Killer make.

I’m not a crucible player but when Shattered Realm comes out I’ll definitely push builds to be as viable for deeper levels of the SR as possible.

Thanks. I’m not the best min-maxer (or player either, so many times I don’t notice DEE/lethal assault not active…). I understand though that the set you chose for the DEE spam is weak defensively compared to Dark One. It’s the biggest draw back to it I think.

Yeah. I left the greens blank because as soon as you pick affixes farming it becomes incredibly hard. I have a general idea of what extra stats I want and which rolls will be OK (I’m not expecting rare affix either as they take too long to farm).

Seal of shadows Biting Blades is interesting, and I’ve also thrown it around a bit in both an acid and a pierce build.

Worth a mention is that DEE has one other potentially viable spam acid build option: Nightblade and dual-weilding 2 x Deathguard Blades for 90% vit ->acid.

  • BUT, what I’d personally like to see is a basic skill such as DEE fixed properly for all class combos… and not just an afterthought skill made tolerable through items.

So hopefully (adoomgod) you can argue its case.