DualWiel Cold/Vitality Reaper

Double damage is hard to build on GD, almost impossible but for Elemental or Pierce/Physical + something else. I tried to build a Cold+Vitality toon because there are some interesting items that have both those damage types.

Here’s what I tried after long thoughts:

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A lot of Soul Well procs, some really good flat damage. Maxing resistances though was so hard I had to GDstash-cheat my way in (Pants) and it’s still not perfect.

Kra’vall went very well (yet not facetanking the whole fight) but Lokarr just laughed at me (not for long, 5 seconds are enough!).

Can this build be salvaged ? Damage output is quite nice and really like the gameplay (for once, I really don’t like DW melee usually).

You can try weapons called Ulzaad Channeler for ~60% vit to cold. Vitality’s got no business there with hardly over 1000% total vit and scarcely any rr. But it’s never gonna work like any infiltrator or trickster. Too little rr and attack speed. You could try full Silver Sentinel, Mageslayer amulet and Eternal Haunt ring to squeeze some more rr but it’s always gonna be a gimmick.

Of course, this is no powerful Trickster/Infiltrator and I don’t hope it to be. Just good enough to beat Lokarr reliably. As many hybrid builds, one just realises that going all-in on one damage type is always better. And step by step, you make a known top tier build. Trying to stay in the gimmick zone is hard :stuck_out_tongue:

To make this hybrid better, maybe take Manticore instead of Elemental Storm and finish Dying God? If that’s even possible.

It is possible from a devotion point of view. Quill is not needed for green affinity

Something like this ? <-GT->

Dying God is really good but I always find the life loss very awkward, especially against hard hitting bosses.

You negate about 50% of that effect with your life regen and you dual wield melee weapon at lightning speed with very high life steal… should not be a problem during a fight. I can sometimes find it awkward AFTER a boss fight and there is no mob left to hit on and I popped a potion :stuck_out_tongue: But you have Pneumatic burst with 4.5 sec cooldown.

I saw you switched to more cold based version, do you need spectral wrath and haunted steel then considering that vitality portion now is only about 10% of total dps?

Do you have any damage reduction/absorption?

Good point on Quill, it was there for Elemental Storm requirements. I have 4 devo points left: Blizzard ? Empty Throne ? Ulzaad Scepter seem good but -2 all skills Nightbalde and -30% attack speed hurts. And I can’t find a way to max this fire resistance. Maybethis belt ? but another -1 skills …


That + no fire resistance = Lokarr under 5 seconds.

I bet 100 bucks on Lokarr! :smiley:

GD can be played offline but I’d be curious to know what Monster/Boss has the best killing/be killed ratio in game. I remember that on WoW, it was that level 6 elite Gnoll that was a noob crusher. Maybe the Elite that pops under the tree near Devil’s Crossing ? Or the Stone Elemental in Forgotten Depths ?