DW Cold Blademaster HC gameplay

This is a build I’d been planning for a while, it’s a variation on my alternative Blademaster DW Cadence build.
I saw some negativity about Pierce BMs in another thread, but honestly I don’t think the changes were that bad. The Commandos got hit a lot worse, if anything.

Anyway, this build’s pretty good. Even with limited res reduction it hits like a truck, just need to be careful because it’s pretty squishy like most chars that don’t use a shield.
I think a Pierce build would be comparable or even better, since you get Assassin’s Mark which Cold builds don’t use.

Grimcalc: http://grimcalc.com/build/1009-dJ1nDQ

Grimcalc w/o items: http://grimcalc.com/build/1009-hCX2pI
Note: if you want a bit more offense, you can take a few points out of Military Conditioning, Scars of Battle and/or Veil of Shadow and put them in Field Command or Squad Tactics instead.

Update: new video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7p-fPV0zpBM Crucible Gladiator 100-150 with extra spawns.

Update 2: newer video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mh3I8c7UDVI Gladiator with 2 repeats

Update 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7almt1zJQk4 Battle against Avatar of Mogdrogen

Current equipment:
Warborn Visor - Sanctified Bone
Warborn Pauldrons - Silk Swatch
Divinesteel Hauberk - Chains of Oleron
Iceskorn Talons - Consecrated Wrappings
Legwraps of the Tranquil Mind - Rigid Shell
Spellbreaker Waistguard - Antivenom Salve
Peerless Eye of Beronath - Dread Skull
Alkamos’ Touch of Anguish + Dread - Corpse Dust
Mark of Divinity - Dread Skull
Stonehide Exalted Treads - Mark of Mogdrogen
Nex - Haunted Steel
Nex - Coldstone

this build mostly lacks Aether res, so most augments will use 10% Aether or 7/7% Aether/Chaos augments.
I also have 2 poison resist augments to cap that res.
Weapons have 35% Elemental damage, 200 life, 22 OA ones.
Thinking about it, I went Kymon’s but had I chosen Death’s Vigil I could get the 10% Lightning / 7% Aether res augments, which would let me replace the Rigid Shell with an Antivenom Salve. This would open up a jewelry augment for an extra 20% dmg and 2% OA/DA one for example.

You can farm some better stuff but this is what I have now. You can also put a second Haunted Steel instead of Coldstone in the other weapon. This gives you more leech and a second use of the active skill, I don’t feel it’s necessary though.

I don’t usually play on Gladiator to farm since only the most broken builds can farm that without taking much effort or time, and this isn’t one of those builds.
I used like 70 Tribute worth of buffs to feel safe, probably wouldn’t play it with any less on HC.
As a tip, Challenger is more than adequate for drops (you usually get 3-5 purples instead of Glad’s 5-7) and requires far fewer Tribute buffs to do safely (and thus successfully), so it’s much more efficient for most builds.

Glad is mostly a test to show if your build is broken or has enough damage and defense to defeat it, but honestly I don’t think it’s that fun because it pidgeonholes you into using most of the defensive Devotions.
You typically need a lot of dodge or fumble chance, this is why a ton of the builds who solo Glad are often Demos: Flashbang w/ Searing Light, and their Blast Shield helps too.
A shield makes it a lot easier to handle as well.

Which is why I think people shouldn’t judge or outright discard builds that can’t solo Glad, because in fact, very few builds can actually do that.
It can be an indicator of an extremely strong build, but many builds are perfectly fun, innovative and very strong even if they can’t do Glad.

Many of the builds you see posted have hundreds of hours of farming and have stuff like Incorruptible MI of Attack which you can’t realistically attain in regular playtimes (say 50 hours, which is still a lot), so it’s not a good idea to measure your own performance against that.

Anyway, I wanted a DW build that can beat Glad, and surprisingly this guy is pretty good at it.
The linked run went fairly well, I think Mark of Divinity only went off twice (once in 149 which wrecked me with a really bad boss combo) and just before the end against Zant, sneaky guy.

I made some changes again, specced out of Leviathan because it just doesn’t offer enough defense for Glad, picked up Tree of Life and the lower 3 nodes in Obelisk, and Solemn Watcher.
This boosted my DA over 2500 (up from 2100) and lowered my overall damage by 30-40%, all in all this makes Glad much more feasible.
It still does decent damage with buffs on but the clear speed isn’t great since AoE is limited.

I also took off the DM set since it’s just too squishy for this, now I’m using a mix of purples (2 piece Warborn, Divinesteel armor) and double Nex for weapons.

If you forgot what Nex does:

Legendary One-Handed Sword
66-112 Physical Damage
28% Armor Piercing
1.2 Attacks per Second

16-25 Cold Damage
+91% Cold Damage
+91% Frostburn Damage
15% Physical Damage converted to Cold Damage
+115 Health
+16% Attack Speed
18% Cold Resistance
+3 to Fire Strike
+3 to Amarasta’s Quick Cut

Granted Skills
Shadowbolt (15% Chance on Attack)
You unleash a bolt of pure darkness at your foe.
0.5 Second Skill Recharge
1.5 Meter Radius
15% Weapon Damage
280 Cold Damage
148 Vitality Damage
20% of Attack Damage converted to Health
60 Reduced target’s Offensive Ability for 3 Seconds

In short: it’s a fast sword with a high AS affix and has some Cold damage and conversion, and its proc is decent and adds to your survivability.

This build can still be a lot better. I’m just using some Stonehide boots without a good suffix, and the new Alkamos ring set. You could probably farm green rings that outperforms that, it’s not a bad set though.
My pants (Tranquil Mind or whatever) aren’t the greatest either, picked them up to fill some resist gaps and for the Spirit. Again, an MI could easily beat that and open up augment and other slots for better performance.

Older video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw00RBNSbSU
This video doesn’t show anything extraordinary, just a short farming route that demonstrates how this build performs.
Might post a guide sometime, but not right now. Still fine-tuning some parts and need to test some stuff.

-Is that deathmarked set i see?

-Test it vs. Queen cause she’s the real test for melee

doesn’t every melee have to in-and-out w her anyway? or can someone actually facetank her shotgun aura. in which case i take it they swap in LL resist just for that fight? i’ve never melee’d her on ultimate with anyone without running in and out 100 times. she’s 1000 x harder than every nemesis for melee, including Anasteria.

the problem is her damage is % based, so even if you had 100,000 health she can spike drop you in 2 seconds.


What I like to test my build against is Fabius and Iron Maiden. Iron Maiden being harder.

The SS build i posted is hit bad. Am considering turning cold build full DM like yours.

Pierce version is doable not dead etc. but really feels lacking.

Wouldn’t breaker be better? For cold i mean

I facetanked her in with my phys SnB battlemage (only 15 points into Arcanist, mucho more battle than mage). Only because when I tried to do in and out, I noticed that she’s healing herself to the full faster than I can damage her. So decided to see if I can just continuously attack her and survive… Hp kept going between 3k to 10k, but after five minutes it was over for her :slight_smile:

I’m sure there’s plenty more better optimized builds who can facetank her out there, as I’m in no way build genius when it comes to it.

I went max resists and moderate HP (10k) on that one, he’s cool, but bad play against res.reducers, and takes loong boring time to kill high HP things, as damage was sacrificed for +res stats. Was desperate against Van Allbitch, and his sidekicks, still don’t know how I managed to outdamage them. AoE is on the somewhat lacking side too. Menhir’s Bulwark was probably what kept me on a safe side from %life reduction attacks, it was nerfed in 1008 though, well, as her phys damage and OA, I would assume, so might be still doable.

Yeah, full DM.

The build has more than enough DPS to kill MQ but it’s not a safe fight since he can die vs. her, it definitely doesn’t have the defense necessary to fight her head on.
Takes around 45s to kill her with hit and run but it’s bad for my heart.
With an Aether Cluster and facetank she goes down under 10s, but that’s just stupid. :slight_smile:

Can’t facetank MQ, eh? I guess this is the death of an entire playstyle for one of the best class combos

Nice build though, let me know how it goes.

An entire playstyle is dead because it can’t facetank what is probably the most overtuned and melee unfriendly enemy in the game? Seriously? Don’t really understand this logic.

Mad Queen isn’t the final test for every build by the way. Just because you can kill her, doesn’t mean you can’t get killed by something else.

I think it’s just because my defenses are too bad to tank her, I just rely on leech to stay alive.
I wouldn’t attribute it to the class combo.

Nice build! Do you mind sharing the attributes of this char? Also, do you think full cunning BM is dead in Cheers.

I put everything in Phys and 3 points in Spirit so I could use the Alkamos rings.
Dunno about full cunning, I never made a build like that.

Hey, thanks for the inspiration… Do you mind sharing your grim calc and character sheets?

It seems like I have trouble doing end game content consistently with my builds, I need to have better ideas of what better end game builds look like…

I cleaned out my DW pierce BM and took up cold as main damage, the clearing speed is now highest amongst my toons.

Updated the initial post with a grimcalc and new video.

Finally someone made use of dw Nex, I’ve been trying to do that for years (it’s awesome for a PB build in terms of proc damage, btw, it just adds nothing in terms of caster stats unfortunately).

I’m stealing this build as soon as I get back into the game, you can’t stop me!

Hehe, go ahead.
But yeah, Nex is surprisingly good.
I always liked the set too, but it’s hard to make a good build with both weapons (instead of 2 of the same) because the item support for dual element isn’t as good as single.

+1 to this

I love the set and can’t seem to make a build around it

Btw Weyu, you seem to have a thing for cold damage :smiley:

I actually have a thing for DW NB builds more, made way too many of those, but yeah, my latest few builds that I “liked” seem to have been Cold builds.

I’m also working on a DW Trickster build with 2 zap swords (Stormhearts currently, but Crystallums eventually) and 3 piece Light’s Defender set.
The idea was to use the huge crit damage from a 22/12 Stormcaller’s Pact (you can get like 150%+ Crit damage with Crucible buffs on), so you get high crit damage even with relatively low OA from a Trickster combo.

It’s hard to get the Crystallum swords though, they seem to be a really rare drop.

And for survivability, overcapped Wendigo Totem for 1k+ HP/s plus leech. I used to think this was a one-pointer, until I took a closer look at it and realized how crazy good it is.
It’s one of the skills that is unassuming at a glance, but in reality it’s one of the best defensive skills in the game.

And the 3 piece LD set is a very good cutoff point too, since the full set bonus isn’t applicable to all builds, and the set has really high armor.

Been running some more Gladiator Crucible, this build is surprisingly decent at it.
I wouldn’t call it a top tier build because it doesn’t have the best clear times due to limited AoE, but it’s fairly safe and Mark of Divinity rarely goes off.

I’ve been experimenting a bit with the Devotions as well, swapping between Tree of Life and Leviathan, both with 2300+ DA setups.
I’m still leaning toward ToL though, the extra DA (to counter -100 DA mutator and other debuffs) and sustainability seems more valuable than the minor extra damage Levi gives, and Whirlpool doesn’t really help with AoE that much, the skill doesn’t add that much in that regard.

Here’s a Gladiator run with 2 repeats. I think every notable boss and Nemesis shows up at least once, so it’s a pretty good indicator of how a DW build performs in this arena.