DW Pistol Purifier Single Target nukes?

Hey everyone,

Inq/Demo is a blast (pun intended) to play, and I have settled in nicely with the class. I’ve got for a Lightning/Fire build with Fire Strike (and its enhancements) combined with Grenado for extra damage and AoE. Word of Renewal and Flashbang for utility.

What I seem to be lacking is a Single target nuke option for High HP heroes and bosses. Right now I am kiting them for 10 minutes (and deaths) to kill them.

So as a purifier, what would be (a) good skill(s), item(s) and/or devotion(s) to have a single target nuke available to handle the tanky high HP monsters and bosses?

DW purifier isn’t supposed to nuke things. The playstyle is to put Inquisitor Seal on the ground, deploy Thermite Mines a bit ahead and shoot things that come at you. If there’s a problem with damage then you need to think how to squeeze more from your Fire Strike, not throw in nukes. DW Purifier got no spare skillpoints for things like this. If there’s problem in your defense then you need to review your gear, devotions and build.

Must haves are Fire Strike, Flame Touched, Inquisitor Seal, Aura of Censure, Thermite Mine, Deadly Aim, Word of Renewal. Good to haves are Bursting Round, Storm Spread.

I don’t know what you’ve got, so I’ll pass here.

Ulzuin’s Torch, Solael’s Witchblade, Rhowan’s Crown or Revenant - essentials. Magi or Imp for more AoE via procs. If you want to try building around both Fire and Lightning then you need Widow and perhaps fit in Ultos as well.

I may have used the word nuke inappropiately. I am aware that I’m not playing a nuke class and I’m enjoying it. :slight_smile:

The only thing I am missing whilst playing is a high damage single-target option in my build.

Purifier is not about hitting hard, it’s about hitting as fast as possible as long as possible so you can maintain both damage on target and life leech from them.
If you want to hit hard you might want to look into caster classes and their combos…

its gonna be hard, since DW ranged purifiers are as mentioned very skill hungry builds.
if you are gonna sacrifice points from e.g. Fire Strike and your defensive skills for like Mortar Trap or something, you will either deal less damage with your guns (means less sustain/life steal) or sacrifice your defenses (meaning you need to kite more and thus deals less damage and sustain less with your gun attacks).


So what’s the strategy when dealing with tanky characters that deal damage that can’t be facetanked? Kiting right now takes a long time that made me make this post in the first place.

I agree with that others have said on this. Purifier doesn’t have the skill points to spare or the itemisation to support a hybrid playstyle with firestrike plus other spells. You need to max both trees to get Censure + bursting round, which are both critical for a FS build. But you really shouldn’t be lacking the DPS to melt bosses from fire-strike and devotion/WPS procs alone, if your build is put together properly and you stack enough fire/elemental RR on the target.

I would focus on overcapping your inqusitor seal, and stacking HP, defensive ability and attack damage converted to health where you can get it to help you tank on your seal for longer. Also the mobility runes from FG allow you to teleport away, once you can no longer tank in place, cast a seal and DPS from a new position.

Are you talking about end game build or still in levelling?
DW purifier gotta be all in in fire strike line and WPS.
For single target damage, use full brimstone + capped explosive/static strike + shotgun WPS like storm spread. Invest in storm spread until you have about 4 projectiles, then shot your enemy point blankly in the face.

More shotgun WPS can be attained from jaxxon rings, or stronghold full set.

Wanna throw some examples?
I like hard-hitters :smiley:

This looks like the answer I was looking for. Thanks everyone :slight_smile: