DW Poison Withc Hunter concept - help needed

I created a concept for DW Witch Hunter based on Venomblade set.
Grimtools link
It has heavy phys and pierce to poison conversion, and nice poison damage buffs.
The gameplay should be pretty simple: initiate with the CoF, Shadow Strike into most dangerous target, ABB (lethal assault gives viable boost), BoS that would cover all monsters, and then default attack until everything dies.
With Manticore proc, enemies will have -90% Acid resistance. BS + WD procs would greatly help with clearing groups.
The main trouble I see is health, 11k is pretty low.
Would appreciate any advices and critique.

If I might suggest getting some ideas from this;


Pretty amazing build and hopefully I’ll get the stuff to make the same or something close. I changed my own build to more closely match this one and it went from struggling to being able to handle all the campaign content in ultimate.

same idea as a dw witch hunter using venomblade set,i think you can take a look at this
lV7988vN(add this to the back of the grimtool build calc)

Another possible DW WH build.

Grimtools: http://www.grimtools.com/calc/Q2zKd1AV

Although it uses 4-piece (full set) Deathguard, it doesn’t need to.
I’m in the process of testing both the WH and Reaper variants of the build

Keep in mind the above link is not an optimised build.

Hope this helps
