We all know that GD will get DX11 support soon (we hope it will be soon) but what about performance of this old API?
Newest version of 3DMark supports Vulkan API so we can compare it’s performance vs DX11. I ran API Overhead feature test in both DX11 nad Vulkan, here the results:
I wish GD will get Vulkan support in future, but i’m interested in DX11 support too (maybe it will show some performance upgrade to DX9 version of the game). Also will be great to see built-in benchmark in GD (official or Mod)
“We all know that GD will get DX11 support soon (we hope it will be soon) but what about performance of this old API?”
Vukan, old?
It’s still (fairly) new.
Anyhoe, I’m with you on this. Really hope Crate do opt for the Vulkan API. Having seen how much better it is was shocking. Also, it’s cross platform (win/Linux etc) so easier for porting games.
Seeing DOOM in Vulkan was almost a wet dream
Also, in future if Crate or any other firm continues down the DX only route, could be restricting player base, as DX12 is win10 only.
I have always thought DX was dead at birth. Too bad 85%+ of gaming PCs use windows and thus DX was forced down our throats. DX has always suck imho.
I remember a time when there were multiple titles developed using OpenGL.
Now I wish Vulkan would be used a lot more.
Let’s face it. Despite W10 is being accepted and I like it (I think it’s one of the best OSes released by MS despite what haters say, DX12 is just vaporware right now. It’s 2017 and maybe 80%+ of games are still using D3D9, due to consoles holding pc development back).
Let’s hope for it because I think it may be used (hopefully) for some consoles.
Either way, replacing ANCIENT D3D9 with D3D11 should be some sort of an improvement.
PS - I am pretty well aware porting GD to something like Vulkan is a GARGANTUAN work, so I am not holding my breath here.