Dynamic loot tables

Of the various loot tables (based on “templateName,database/templates/lootitemtable_dynweighted_dynaffix.tpl”), some have entries that look like this:


This formula gives me concern for modders that allow maximum player level to greatly exceed 100. The highest legendaries are typically around item level 94. Consider a level mod allowing the player to be level 120. 120-25 = 95.

I’m a bit confused in even interpreting this formula, and wondering how I should interpret it. Does it dow anything, and if so what?

Yeah, you toss all your items in 1 table and it handles to drops for any character level.

If you have issues with level 120+, then you need higher level items, or to tweek your formula/weights.

If the modder increases the level enough, he should take care of this too (and will need higher level affixes and items anyway, so that is the least of his problems)

I don’t think most mods that increase the level limit also add higher level items and affixes. Also, I’m confused what you are saying about affixes, as these have a floor and not an upper level, as far as I can tell. If I’m mistaken, please let me know.

If your monsters are at level 130 and you still use items and affixes with level 94, you will be in trouble, so a mod that increases the level enough will need a higher tier too

Okay, yeah I see what you are saying. I was talking about the degenerate case when various items stop dropping properly, though.

Anyway, different question. I have a dynamic table that is largely working. However the circumstance the table is invoke in is rare (a nemesis mob), so I want all loot to drop with both a prefix and an affix. I did what I thought would make this happen, thus:


Only sometimes these items drop with only one added affix. I am as yet unsure, but if one is missing, it is more often (but not always) the prefix. As you can see from my settings, I intended only combinations with both a prefix and a suffix to drop. This isn’t working.

I feel like I’m missing some rule I don’t understand.

tdyn_gun2h_l.txt (4.8 KB)

No idea, I would expect this to always have pre- and suffix. Are you sure the item is from your table ?

Yup. It’s a mod to have affixes added to legendaries, and these are legendaries dropping with those affixes.

Is an enemy with a normal level dropping these, you were talking about extending levels?
Are those items with Mythical prefex tag, doesnt look like it, maybe some display issue?
How about setting a real bell slope, instead of just 100s?
Are these tables correct: xpfxs_weapon2h,xsfxs_shatterlordw?

I would start with lowereing the table to 1 item and only 1 affix/suffix setting to narrow it down.

I don’t know what you mean by “normal,” but the mobs that are dropping them are nemesis mobs inside of SRs.

I’m not sure if the items are mythical or not. I’ll look into that. But I’m pretty sure you can manually add a prefix to a mythical item in GDStash.exe and it displays fine. Also, there’s a table like this for every item type. It’s possible there’s some error in the tables, but they are passing the GDModSuite reference checks and what not. Also, I’m not sure which of the many item tables it could be. This is just an example table. I’ll see if it’s limited to some item class.

Not exactly what you want to do, but I recently updated a mod to have affixes for all uniques, in my case only rare ones. Here they always drop with both, as intended. Does not really help you, I know.

As for items potentially not dropping with higher levels, you would need to set the MaxLevel of e.g. containers to 100. The Nemesis chests for example have a MaxLevel of 200, so you would need to lower that. Probably not a full fix, though.

Thanks for the pointer to your mod. Reviewing the things there, I’m not seeing anything out of line in my files.

As for nemesis chests, I’m not actually using them, as they don’t spawn in SRs where the nemesis mods occur. I’m instead using the misc equipment slot on the nemesis mobs. That, and the SR reward chests. My mod deconfigures higher level SR reward blocking.

I’m curious why you would lower the MaxLevel of nemesis chests, though. What are you getting at there?

You would need to limit the MaxLevel of all relevant Item Containers to 100 due to this example from your OP:

Items would stop dropping, since there are none with level 95 or above. The SR chests seem fine though.

I think that this is not relevant when it comes to the equipment slots.

Oh yes, I see. But of course mobs are containers; this would not therefore be desirable. Better to just not increase the level limit and do something else. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just for the record, after collecting every item that was dropping “without” the required two affixes, and then carefully inspecting them all, every single one of them was merely an item that had “of” in it’s proper name, which had made me see them as items that were dropping with suffixes and not prefixes. So, error between seat and keyboard over here. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: