Eldritch Essence?

You guys need to do something about these. Spent over 20 tries to transmute an set item and stuck farming them. Farming these are pain in the ass and makes the game BORING.

As I see endgame atm it’s turning into a farming simulater that makes the worst asian farming mmo look like fun. Why on earth have an item that is pain to farm as cost to just transmute item sets??
Do you not want ppl to explore new builds and way to play your game? As it is now I will never try to do that due to damn cost to setup a new gear set. And that is just the cost to get the item set to the right item…

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what are you trying to transmute, and what are you farming?
*asking what you’re trying to transmute because i’ve seen several instances of people trying to transmute the wrong way/something that can’t give them what they want, like non mythical set pieces into mythical pieces, so just wanna make sure it’s not that case and just bad RNG

Mythical Ultos’Hood, on the 26 try I got it. Just insane the amount of time farming to get one set item correct. And this was just for this item, I dont want to know how many I have spent before this. It’s really takes the fun out of it.

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Almost sounds like characters upon creation must be fully maxed and equiped with perfect gear… wait a sec, you can already do that? And it’s called GDStash? Ye gods!


Why do you choose to farm it then? No quest tells you to, not even an achievement. You fixated on a specific outcome in an RNG-based game. Picked a boring way to play and blamed the game for it. I don’t get it. Go play another character and maybe he’ll accidentally find this must-have item.

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26 tries to convert a mythical ultos item into the helmet? that is (if it’s the truth) extremely bad luck^10000, nothing more nothing less. Although I have a hard time believing it

Can the helmet be obtained by transmuting though? Or can it only be crafted from the blueprint? I don’t do this stuff so don’t know.

Helmets can be transmuted. They will not receive a blacksmith bonus, however, when they are not crafted at a blacksmith.

Indeed. Out of laziness I often do it as well and cannot recall even going further than 7-8 attempts to get it which was already considered bad luck


Farming SR75-76 will net you more than enough essences to do the job, but frankly, you should have just crafted it

not saying it’s not very bad luck, hence my earlier mention of bad RNG
but just gonna throw it out there i have heard a mention of reaching 20 transmutes before once or twice from other unlucky players :sweat_smile:

tho i personally don’t find them a pita to obtain like OP does, as Mess mentions, you get a rather decent amount farming SR, which would alleviate some potential RNG from world farming, tho ofc with good rng you’d obtain more direct farming essence. (But ofc another benefit of farming SR is you might simply drop the items or blueprints you’re after too)

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