Elemental Harmony set balancing suggestions

Yeah I dunno mang but 64 flat damage seems much, much stronger than everything there.

Considering that the “The Magelord set” converts elemental damage to aether I beg to disagree.
In addition most builds will only use half of that effectively. The other items I pointed out had pure cold, aether or acid.

Edit: Even is that true consider that these are the only rings that add flat fire damage(technically there is actually one other ring but it converts fire to chaos for some reason) and frankly the only good rings for fire based auto attack builds.
Compare that to other elements that have rings that add -rr and convert damage types.

If these rings really need to be nerfed I suggest to buff Combustion Band at the same time to make it comparable to rings like: Bladetwister Signet and Voidheart. Considering how inferior the Combustion Band is compared to other legendary rings

The other items also had much less flat damage.

And ''most" builds will be using a fair margin of the other damage type pretty effectively too. Fire and Cold builds will oft stack up a good amount of % Elemental Damage and just general % Magical Damage from Spirit. So sure, you may wind up with +1800% Fire Damage and only +1000% Cold Damage, but that still means Cold Damage is going to be pretty significant, especially if you have any Elemental RR (which you should).

More like 2800% fire / 800% cold for purifiers and 2800% Cold/800%fire for infiltrators. So , non-matching flat dmg is applied at 25% of strength not counting 50+% in RR difference. Same for proc.

I suggest adding 25% chaos to fire damage conversion to the Mythical Combustion Band. I think this would solve the problem of the over use of this item set.

I used Combustion band on both my FoI builds - Burning and Vitality. I wont use it on autoatacker cause I just love Elemental balance proc visual.BTW it would screw chaos Ignaffar, so no, I don’t like such suggestions.

As an aside, everytime I try to come up with a “balanced” fire + cold build, I always end up skewing towards cold.

Take Nex + Ortus for example. The acid to fire/cold conversion means Lethal Assault gives 75% cold and 25% fire flat damage bonuses. The chaos to cold conversion on FS outweighs the piercing to fire conversion on SS IMHO. And Thermite Mines suck compared to Veil of Shadow. It’s also hard to find armour that balances fire and cold while also providing bonuses to Sabo. So you’d have to choose either fire gear or cold gear if you want useful bonuses. Cold gear happens to be better IMHO. So a Nex + Ortus Sabo ends up snowballing (ahem) towards cold damage, but of course will be inferior to Korba and Deathmark.

In the case of a fire + cold double rune build, Hagarrad is just plain better mechanically than Kalastor, so naturally it will skew cold.

In the case of an elemental Iskandra/Spelldrinker Mage Hunter, it comes down to Mageguard Legguards supporting cold but not fire nor lightning, and Iceskorn Talons giving bonuses to Overload. The Leviathan constellation also happens to have similar devotion requirements to Blind Sage. Finally there is Star Pact converting aether to only cold.

Balance rings are overused because there’s no other thing that gives as much flat damage as the set. Even MI rings of gdstashing don’t come close. Add a beautiful-looking proc for a bonus. It’s on the same level as glyph rings for lightning, the difference is that lightning builds don’t usually get that tanky to be able to use glyphs without much drawback.

The rings are overused because there are no other rings that are usable on a fire builds(the only other ring that give flat damage converts fire to chaos) that give flat damage. Add to that that there are no fire based legendary rings for auto attack builds at all. Nor any rings that convert x damage to fire, then yes they will become overused.

As for lighting builds being less tanky then fire builds, are seriously claiming that vindicator are less tanky then purifiers? That the shaman class has less defensive options then the demo class? The only real advantage would be the existence of the justice set for fire builds.

I suggest leaving any possible nerfs to after FG when hopefully there will be legendary alternatives to the ring set.
