[Elementalist] Light's Defender - Quick Jacks/Storm Totem Build [V1.0.0.6 HC]

does attack damage converted to health not work with spells ? or not work with stun jacks/wind devil/storm totem/mortar trap/storm shard ?

Works only with spells which have weapon damage.

Attack damage converted to health only works with things that have a %Weapon Damage component

So skills regardless of whether they are spells or not can life steal if they fulfill the above criteria

For other new player related doubts consider giving this thread a read


Also visit the Guides/Tutorials section of the forums for other info

so as an elementalist how can i use attack damage converted to health ? with what skill ?

Chthon already said - with skills that have a % weapon damage component like Primal Strike or Fire Strike.

I’m guessing Zars had some from Blood Pact that he made use of with Ulzuin’s Pyroclasm. I vaguely remember the proc having more weapon damage at one point before it was nerfed (around 20% per projectile I think).

currently playing this https://www.grimtools.com/calc/L2J8dpkZ i have storm shard on mouse 3 (key 0) and passives on second quickslot bar.

so except wendigo totem - blood pact there is no way for me to steal life ?

fire strike, primal strike and savagery all would go into a completely different build…

what would be the survivability for what i play ? possible ?

Hand of Ultos, Spear of the Heavens and the Static Charge procs from your Attuned Lodestones all have % weapon damage so will leech life when they go off. However, because they are less than 100%, the amount you leech will scale down appropriately.

Other than beating something over the head with your sceptre, I don’t see any other sources of weapon damage in your build that you can leech from.

well it’s kinda sad and not fair that as an elementalist u have to chose one of 3 skills (primal strike, fire strike or savagery) to actually benefit from adcth. it kinda limits the class to very few builds if u want to steal life.
and overall why does attack damage converted to health = weapon damage converted to health ? shouldn’t life steal be converted from any dmg i attack with ?

-A Stun Jacks build beats almost all forms of PS, Fire Strike and Savagery builds
-Why ADCtH works the way it does? I don’t know it’s a game mechanic and we have to work with it/around it.

yes the stun jacks build is very very nice to play, but die very often. i can kill lokkar with it without dying but takes some time running in circle and spawning mortars, totems, wind devils and shards and casting from time to time stun jacks/grenade…why doesnt stun jacks have wep dmg ? it’s not a spell, like aether ray…grenade also…
we have to work around it…thats why i prefer life steal builds…but this stun jacks is really fun and looks really nice to play

But that’s cause your build is unoptimized

A pure Quick Jacks build doesn’t need half the things you are using. Mortar Trap, Grenado aren’t needed here. They interrupt your cast flow and don’t deal as much damage as stun jacks. You also lack Wendigo Totem’s heal and RR from Thermite Mines

Here are some SJ setups

JoV’s Setup - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/Q2zRByd2

Dying God’s Setup - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2dwJ5QN

Korsar’s Setup - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2dwYA5N

Thrasheur’s Setup - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/p25wmjxZ

Xavier’s Setup - https://www.grimtools.com/calc/dVbxm8gN

thank you very much, will have to look into them, know some of them already, checked before, not all, already tested overseer eye, but groble seems better, tested also with mythical tome of the arcane wastes and mythical tome of names, but also groble seems better, at least my roll, and maybe other good rolls ofc. also used mortar cause of the 40% crit skill modifier and its light dmg.

does anyone have purifier version of this build, looks like a decent alternative to me.

I have a theocraft build for purifier and commando:

Purifier: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/bVAExLQV
Commando: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/xZyvMnrN

You can use a MI Weapon or Offhand too.
I like the legy offhand from purifier for more defense but we can use the Anslaved Wraith for -10% lightning RR to stormbox or an Overseer Eye to push SJ.

Maybe someone can test the builds and can tell me if there are problems with energy costs. I only have the harp devotion for energy reg.

Hello :slight_smile:

Currently lvling this build, first I have to say ty for this build, really fun to play

Now after I got the extension I’m wondering if this build is still good ? Like what skills and stuff should I use ?

Seen last posts with differents setups but I cant see which skills to max or not, where to go for devotion etc. They seem to all have their personal setup.

I’m currently lvl 42 :smiley: so still somewhere act 3 ^^

thank you for your help everyone :slight_smile:

Nobody knows ?

Currently lvl 85 on the same build, Elite has been easier than normal so far.
Got 13k+ DPS, 80+ resistances, and act 5 in Elite.

Is this build still working in endgame ?:eek:

Hello, i have a character with the same build. it’s really efficient even in the expansion (you’ll facetank the malmouth boss with nice gear).

For the crucible it’s not enough strong, you’ll die around 100-120 waves, may be after if you use banner, not bad but not the best :slight_smile:

dikkie setup: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RVvOKYGZ

I wonder for anyone still playing this build does 24% crit damage to sj given by new MI( provided you get this rolls:p) better compared to mythical rune of elgoloth?

does anyone have any stun jack elementalist here? How is your dps after the patch? i think the fx change not only just changed the visual but the damage as well :eek:

Light’s Guardian Set: added 100 Lightning damage modifier for Storm Box of Elgoloth and a 100% of Physical dealt as Lightning modifier for Stun Jacks

i cant believe how noob am I, I just read the patch notes when fg was released


no wonder this build gained like 30k dps. I havent played this build for some time thats why :cry: