Update : Remove Wind Devil, Change a few devotion points to get elemental resistance from Elemental Storm. Crucible Gladiator video uploaded!!
It’s Tower Defense time!! As the title suggest, this is a build based on Light’s Defender set. This build was originally played as Quick Jacks, Storm Totem and Mortar Trap back in v1.0.05. Eventually after I got full Light’s Defender set dropped, I tested the set and respeced the build and cut out Mortar Trap for Wind Devil and Wendigo Totem.
The set itself is pretty defensive, it’s a heavy armor set with a lot of defensive bonuses. So I decided to go all the way to be super defensive caster by choosing a lot of defensive devotions and items, as a result it ended up with 2K armor and 2.3K DA, with defensive and healing skill from Demolitionist and Shaman, it is more than enough to facetank most bosses and nemeses. Enjoy the sparkling!!
[INDENT][INDENT]Base skills http://grimcalc.com/build/kJ5TLru
Base skills + Bonuses http://grimcalc.com/build/MvGih9o
**Try to max out Stun Jacks at 26/26 and Full Spread 15/22, there’s no point in going above 15/22 as it’s only go from 4 to 5 projectile at 22/22 which is not worth trying.
**I chose 2/3 Quick Jacks for -% skill energy cost, this stacks additively with -% skill energy cost. This helps mitigrate energy cost of Stun Jacks greaty.
**You can get Storm Totem to 26/26 if you use Wyrmscale Footguards instead of Golemborn Greaves, but you’ll lose some armor and pierce resistance.
**Mogdrogen’s Pact below ultimate level(not over capped) is not really make much different but in ultimate level it’s scaling accelerate quickly, giving that the set is heavy armor, this helps mitigrate energy problem significantly.
[LEFT][INDENT][INDENT]CONCEPT OF THE BUILD[/INDENT][/INDENT][/LEFT][LEFT][INDENT][INDENT]-Full Tower Defense Mode!! Lightning Caster build, using totems and traps while throwing out Stun Jacks
-Tanky caster with heavy armor and defensive ability
[INDENT][INDENT]- Stun Jacks + Quick Jacks + Full Spread (Single Target/AoE)
- Flashbang +Searing Light (CC/Debuff)
- Blackwater Cocktail + High Potency (Debuff)
- Flame Touched + Temper (Buff)
- Blast Shield (Damage Absorption)
- Thermite Mine (Debuff)
- Vindictive Flame + Ulzuin’s Wrath (CC/Buff)
- Storm Totem (AoE)
- Wendigo Totem (Healing)
- Stormcaller’s Pact (Buff)
- Mogdrogen’s Pact + Modifier (Buff)
- Aether-Ward Aura from Purified Salt
- Lightning Aura (Buff) from Hell’s Bane Ammo (For % lightning conversion)
-Light’s Defender Helm
- Component : Leathery Hide/Prismatic Diamond
-Light’s Defender Epaulets
- Component : Antivenom Salve/Silk Swatch
-Light’s Defender Plate
- Component : Chains of Oleron/Sanctified Bone
-Light’s Defender Gauntlets
- Component : Spellwoven Threads
-Legwraps of the Tranquil Mind/Dreeg-Sect Legguards
- Component : Antivenom Salve/Silk Swatch/Scaled Hide
-Golemborn Greaves/Wyrmscale Footguards
- Component : Mark of the Traveler/Mark of Mogdrogen
-Empowered Storm’s Edge/Elite Chosen Skysplitter/Weapon with affix Skyfallen/Stormcharged and suffix with casting speed
- Component : Purified Salt
-Tome of Names/Groble Sky Effigy with affix Sandstorm/Thunderstruck and suffix with casting speed/%lightning damage
Where to farm Groble Sky Effigy
- Component : Hell’s Bane Ammo
-Celestial Stone of Halakor/Avatar of Mercy/The Peerless Eye of Beronath/Green Amulet with resistances and OA/DA or casting speed
- Component : Focusing Prism
-Mark of Divinity/Badge of Mastery with Stun Jacks/Wendigo Totem bonuses
- Component : Ectoplasm
-Time-Flux Band/MI rings with resistances and OA/DA or casting speed
- Component : Ectoplasm/Corpse Dust
-Ulzuin’s Torment
- Component : Antivenom Salve
-Ulzuin’s Pyroclasm
Jewelry : Overseer’s Gaze/Survivor’s Ingenuity
Weapon & Focus: Creed’s Cunning
Armors(Head/Chest/Legs/Shoulders/Hands/Waist/Feet): Demonbane Powder
[INDENT][INDENT]As if the defensive of the set is not enough I ensure this build’s tankiness by choosing a lot of defensive constellations. If you want extra fun stuffs, consider taking Spears of the Heaven and Tempest.
Devotion Route
[ul]1 point in Eldritch Crossroad
[ul]Complete Spider
[ul]Remove Eldritch Crossroad
[ul]1 point in Primordial Crossroad
[ul]Complete Sailor’s Guide
[ul]Complete Widow (Arcane Bomb assigned to Stun Jacks)
[ul]1 point in Ascendant Crossroad
[ul]Complete Owl
[ul]Remove Ascendant Crossroad
[ul]3 points in Rhowan’s Crown (Elemental Storm Assigned to Storm Totem)
[ul]1 point in Order Crossroad
[ul]Complete Tortoise
[ul]Complete Lion
[ul]Complete Solemn Watcher
[ul]Complete Eel
[ul]Complete Tree of Life Crossroad
[ul]3 points in Obelisk of Menhir (7% Armor/5% DA/150 Armor)
[ul]1 point left I put it on Empty Throne for Stun reduction
15 points in Spirit, the rest goes to Physique, If you want to use high level focus (requires 675 Spirit) then put 20-25 point in Spirit or use Mark of Illusion to gain some spirit. Reduce too much points in Physique, you might have trouble equipping the set (Chest piece require 970 Physique). :eek:
[INDENT][INDENT]Pick up Stun Jacks and quickly get 1 point Quick Jacks (pun intended)
Level 20
*Skills that should be at max level regardless of the bonuses you have, are Flame Touched, Blast Shield, Mogdrogen’s Pact
*Skills that can leave at max level after + skill bonuses (not really worth getting over capped), are Flashbang(12), Hearth of the Wild(10), Wendigo Totem(12) worth over capped if you can reach level 15+
Place your [Storm Totem>Storm Shard>BWC], then throw Flashbang and Stun Jacks, Repeat the [placing totems] step as fast as possible to keep totems up before the ones before expire. If you wish to facetank, place Wendigo Totem down at where you want to be standing at and when fighting heroes and bosses use Thermite Mine to reduces resistances.
Blast Shield is great defensive skill, keep an eyes at it for timing your fight or flight, if you use Mark of Divinity, you can use its granted skill as another escape skill if you want to go all out without worrying you HP for a moment[/INDENT][/INDENT]
[INDENT]This is mad fun build, nothing else to say.[/INDENT]