[Elementalist] Ultimate melee Pyroclasm (b31, hc)

Having recently done a shaman build this patch. I pretty much agree with everything generalcash said. Especially about chariot being shit compared to SotH and dying god…

You guys really think that getting 35 more OA from Dying God is better than one of the best defensive proc in the game that basically heals you for 1300 HP and 10% HP each 7 seconds (because you do get crit a lot in Ultimate).

I can roughly see Spear of Heavens being a viable option for this build, Dying God though, no. Just no.
Also shaman is not an elementalist. You might think that there are similarities in using devotion on different masteries, and yes there are similarities but it’s not quite the same, still.

Went back and looked …
Kymon’s Will - augment for rings/amulets - +15% fire damage, +25% burn damage, 10% chance of 20% reduced target damage for 5 seconds.

Warcry (assuming the Soldier skill) does include reduced damage but also has reduced enemy health and no fire damage etc…

I am not getting why we could call this ‘getting free warcry’ … looks lost

just to compare your version with Brimstone and Devotions with my version if i go Dual Wield. My Version has 70 Healthregeneration and roughtly 3k dps less than your version but i have the Chariot of the Dead Proc and deal equal damage.

Video: Dual Wield Elementalist with Brimstone
Video: Dual Wield Elementalist without Brimstone

Sword and Board Elementalist stats
Dual Wield Elementalist without Brimstone stats
Dual Wield Elementalist with Brimstone stats

15/12 brimstone :eek:

i knew that this would come and all i have to say is that each point in Static Strike gives more damage than Brimstone and to use Items to push Brimstone to Ultimate Rank would mean i would lose my 4 Piece Bonus of Ulzuins which wouldm ean +2 to Demo skills would be lost.

for DW FS, its prolly better to just focus on static due to stormcallers pact. then you can do SoTH / widow and possibly a few in dying god for OA. to get most of the dmg, considering the procs are lightning as well.

either way, if u are focusing static strike, its even less reason to take chariot over SoTH

the fact of the matter is in this version, higher tier defensive devos really arent worth it compared to offensive ones unless u absolutely cannot get the survivability elsewhere or they don’t work out for ur damage types

but i think as an elementalist u are able to get more than enough surv from the masteries themselves + gear, its far more effneicnet to focus totally on offense on devos and get defense elsewhere.

do u really need to care so much about regen when u have wendigo?

No, you lose 1 point in Demo because you replace that useless Ulzuin’s ammy with Empowered eye of Beronath, an item that gives you a massive boost to DPS (or Peerless eye for OA and crit damage). You still max Static strike (+1 belt, +1 ammy, +2 relic, +6 swords) and you can go up to +7 in Brimstone (+1 belt, +1 ammy, +1 relic, +4 Shadowflame mantle). With the shield, you can max Brimstone (+7 before, +1 shield, +2 Blood sigil), but only get +8 Static strike (+10 before, -3 sword, +1 shield) unless you use the ridiculous Ulzuin shoulder+ammy setup.

Not gonna comment on Chariot, cba…

@Viceregal - read your post again, you answered your own question.

Thanks for sharing ! I definitely have to try this :slight_smile:

On my side, I don’t play HC and was planning to go fire.
So I went for Ulzuin’s Torch because I love the meteor effect and the big boost to fire damage.

My devotion setup is the following : http://grimcalc.com/build/WvXDku
Do you have some advice for me ?

Also, since I don’t play HC, I was planning to replace black water cocktail or flashbangs with the mortar trap for more firework. The advantage I could see is that your mortar does damage while you also do in parallel so basically, this results in more damage if I’m not wrong.
What’s your opinion about this ?

offensive devotions arent worth more than defensive ones people dont understand that % damage isnt everything and everyone who goes for Spear of the Heavens and Dying God on an Elementalist dont know what they are talking about.

Chariot of the Dead is one of the best Devotions ever if you think something else you are just plain ignorant im sorry. And i would never change my Bage of Mastery for something else. And if you guys want to keep on ranting about that please open your own Build Thread and discuss it there thanks.

i’m not here to antagonize you on purpose, but at the sametime, the act of posting ur build here means people will reply with feedback, be it good or bad, if you can’t handle negative feedback, then probably a poor choice to post here in the first place.

i happen to think chariot is shit, it has awkward prereqs and need 7 points of some meh results, but if u like it then keep believing in it who cares. reason people don’t use badge of mastery is because the ones with right skills are nearly impossible to get without cheating. the ones without right skills are bad compared to blackstar of deceit/blood sigil etc. and u argue for defensive devos over offense when at the same time u choose a mediocre offensive medal - BOM - over the most ridiculously imba HC medal there is : mark of divinity.

i’ve authored multiple builds that kill significantly faster than ur build while being able to facetank every boss, but i’m not gonna use that as anyform of argument since ill respect ur build in the sense that its HC. but i do think i generally know what i’m talking about when it comes to basic build making.

in short, if you can’t handle negative feedback and have to resort to something like “i’m right about chariot ur wrong, ur all ignorant” it probably doesn’t paint a very good picture of yourself in ur thread.

Do you have a link to another elementalist build ? Because I only see the one from Crilow on the build compendium page (http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=36808)
Since you are going spear, I suppose your build is lightning based ?

Critique is good because it brings new ideas :slight_smile: And ideas bring fun things to test. It’s not about who is right or who is wrong, it’s a game and it’s about fun :stuck_out_tongue:

Hello, I’m going to create a character and i like this build.
This build still viable? Any recent changes after latest patch?

No changes imo. Fire strike line and flame touched/flashbang all got hit with the nerf bat, but nothing to game changing that warrants a build change.

I’d also like to add that I agree with cash/jaja’s thoughts on changes they would make especially in regards to devotions. I did this build about a week ago in HC and did just fine w/o chariot. I don’t hate chariot quite as much as those two, but it’s really not needed on a class with wendigo, blast shield, flashbang, some knockdown abilities, and behemoth devo on top of that! I went full focus on lightning and took dying god/spearfor the OA + widow as well and it is a big help to you OA/damage if you don’t have the gear. Spear also just got a nice lil buff does 50% weapon damage now. I can’t say I didn’t have some close moments where chariot would’ve helped, but those were due to my own stupidity :slight_smile: Should be noted that I made it to 85 with a bunch of completely ass tier gear, build works well on it’s own just from masteries/devos only lacking kill power. The kill speed is lacking when you switch from primal strike to 1 handed fs+shield, but it’s not tiltingly slow either

Well sure Chariot is not a must but i like Chariot and i take it cause i need the Cunning with my Attribute distribution and gear atm and it gives OA.

Hey, sorry if this question is noob but why do you skill Primal Strike while leveling? It’s a 2h spell if I’m not mistaken. Or was that changed in a previous patch?

Because it is god tier for leveling. Insane aoe power to rip through mobs while still providing good single target damage. Going firestrike/savagery is just slowing you down and using a shield is more or less pointless in vet/elite if there is a faster way to level available

pretty much what TomoDak said

Hey, Im level 46 and trying out this build, but i die very often … Its not that im too bad I think … So is it normal that im not very strong at this level? Or is this build not viable anymore or sth like this?