Endgame monster base stats?

I’m just wondering, what are the endgame stats for monsters, heroes, bosses, nemeses? I’m not looking for exact numbers, just rough estimates.

I looked on grimcalc’s Monsters section but there’s no way it can be correct. I looked at the page for Fabius, set his level to 95, and it said his final OA was in the 1100s and DA was in the 1000s.

Does anyone know a website with accurate data, or at least some rough estimates? I haven’t gotten to endgame myself yet so I can’t estimate it for myself.

Speaking of endgame bosses, does slow resistance apply to Veil of Shadow’s -X% Total Speed, or is it unaffected?

And yes, this is a shameless bump.

you’ll find accurate data nowhere. Since each buddy has different settings and views. But, Confirming from some of old and experienced member of its might make you overcome the confusion.

Its more like Crate is changing these stats in every second patch.

People engaged in modding who check the game files might help you, or learn to use mod tools yourself. :slight_smile:

if anyone can get closer to the real numbers, let me know, and I will fix grimcalc.

the formulas are put in that page, for fabius, https://grimcalc.com/monster/nemesis_outlaw_01
offensive ability is “(lv*7.2)+100” – this is taken straight from the data file. “784” is indeed the base offensive ability of fabius at level 95.

if we take “(cun0.4) + ((lv7.2)+100)” as the offensive ability formula, it results in “1196”. is this correct? – if it is, it must be missing something else – if its not, whats the accurate formula?

from the skills, we see that he has a “veil of shadow”, so I am assuming your character will have less DA towards him. So that must be where some of the extra OA is.

I’m looking for anyone that says “the formula is wrong, its not cun*0.4” etc. – the “784” base is correct, and the “1196” is the result of that formula.

in either case, base numbers are written in grimcalc so if you know the accurate formulas, it will at least display the correct numbers for you.

I will try to run some tests later today, I will post again if I find anything worthwhile and try to get some more accurate numbers.

edit: the game diffuculty may account for some of the change as well, but im unsure.