Any idea on how to increase the distance enemies will aggro on the player character?
edit: For now I’ll try to get around it.
edit 2: Also forgot controller.
Any idea on how to increase the distance enemies will aggro on the player character?
edit: For now I’ll try to get around it.
edit 2: Also forgot controller.
Think I figured it out so ignore this thread.
Just about to test the result.
edit: Nvm, still not work the way I want. Will continue to experiment tomorrow. i reduce aggro Radius via ViewDisntance in thins thread
Yea I’ve already increased the aggro radius to like 2000 for the 2 enemies that I’m testing with.
I’m trying to get an aetherial obelisk to summon zombies which will then aggro on the player from anywhere and chase them down.
So far the result has been the same when it comes to having to move to the aetherial obelisk for the enemies to spawn and them eventually noticing me to chase.
I’ve also greatly increased the summon skill’s range via “Bossrange” and “alertdistance” by increasing the number largely in the game engine.dbr.
[SPOILER]I’m gonna assume you already tried to increase the “alertdistance” on both the obelisk and the summoned minions?
I think there’s a value that also tell the NPC/Monsters to return to their initial position. It might be it which limit the distance they get alerted. [/spoiler]
Try sending a private message to Elfe. He probably knows.
Yea I’ve changed multiple values for controller/enemy/engine and other things.
Having the Aether Obelisk summon zombie from whatever distance and then the zombies following the character from whatever distance continues to elude me.
You’re hitting the engine limit here as you’re trying to attract monsters to chase you that are outside of the part of the world that is currently being loaded.
You can increase the range of loaded maps but that will result in a heavy performance drop.
records/game/gameengine.dbr -> Engine -> defaultLoadDistance which is by default 250 which means that you can not get aggro from monsters that are further away from you than this limit.
It also could be that this entry is a protected one and therefore only will work if you replace the original game database.arz (not tested though).