Enemy levels and color coding

Hi all :slight_smile:

I tried to find the answer but maybe didn’t I use the right keywords ?

What exactly do the colours mean on the enemy levels (number) when you hover over them ? I’ve seen red (higher threat) but also blue, green… Is this also correlated with the “significantly lower” warning for rare materials (12 lvl difference I saw elsewhere) ? Or loot ?

Thanks !

Hey :slight_smile:

Haven’t played in a while so I don’t remember if it’s blue or green, but one of them means the enemies are so low you don’t even get experience from killing them.

Blue means enemies way below your level and green is around your level. Yes, enemies way below your level will not drop Ancients Hearts and other rare crafting materials. Red is several levels above you.

Okay, thanks for the replies :slight_smile:

Don’t take this as official but just from personal observation I believe it goes like this:

Blue - way below your level
Green - approximately same level
Yellow - a few levels above you
Red - more than a few levels above you
Purple - even more levels above you

Somebody can correct me if I’m wrong, but that seems right just off the top of my head.

iirc a bunch of areas ‘outlevel’ you but its normal cuz ive had it on all the guys ive leveled… (specifically around the mountain pass area)