I’d either replace the mostly irrelevant health regen the Seal currently has with energy regen, or just add it as an extra. At the moment, other than the flat absorb, the base skill is almost useless otherwise (without dedicated item modifiers). Elemental resist is the least problematic one in the game and the miniscule amount of Health Regen is way too low to be impactful, when you can get 40% extra health regen from something so basic as the Lizard devotion.
% Energy regen instead of the % Health Regen would do wonders for the overall usability of the base Seal skill I feel.
Whatever purifier with fire strike I made, all have abysmal energy regen, I too think that seals or word of renewal should have either flat or percentage energy regen, or build in energy leech to deadly aim
I’m not at all opposed to adding some energy regen to Inquisitor Seal (my Deceiver sure could use it). But please don’t take away the elemental resistance! Health regen I could be persuaded on, but would also be sad to lose.
I’m not opposed to adding energy regen or anything, but the one you linked didn’t even try to get any energy regen anywhere. So even if it gets some % energy regen it won’t help much for this.
i feel like this is so often a bad take
first, even mentioning elemental resist should be obviously incorrect, it’s free overcap for inquis seal builds (and very very good at that ) - hell it’s easy to string a build together that can even rely on it thus benefitting massively from it
then the health regen; we’re in an iteration of the game where health regen is more useful and powerful than ever, and you want to disregard that and portray 40% as useless “because it’s comparable to a powerful regen devo”; it’s both inaccurate/too dismissive but also fails to take in context.
“it’s giving you regen like a powerful/dedicated regen devo poin” - it’s a free devo point buuf, And it provides almost the same as other % regen investments/skills - so it’s “free” regen boost for a potential inquis seal included Inquisitor incorporated health regen used build… and %regen is good on a regen build, it’s actually easier sometimes so get so much flat regen than if the option is another flat vs % source, the % amounts to more…
this, just advocate for adding energy regen if the stat is necessary, not replacing something useful or potentially more useful even if a person perceive it as not useful/dont’ see the real usefulness actually present
your existing regen is low so will get scaled low
you’re getting way higher scaling on Arcane Spark, since it scales with weapon dmg and applies per target
i’m really really curious about this sentiment/or whether i’m taking it wrong
even if inquis seal had 0 other buffing stats, we misguidedly decide to strip the resist, regen etc; why would the absorb not still be the main reason we take it/the absorb be a bad reason we’re taking it?
If we strip the absorb, ele res and replace health regen with 40% energy regen as the singular stat, which builds would take it or have it be their main or sole reason to take it?/would invest 12+points merely for a bit energy regen
idono, maybe i’m over-speculating/reading too much into it and or misreading it?
I meant useless as in that without the flat absorb, most would probably skip it altogether. You are not going to be taking the Seal for the elemental resistance or % health regen (unless you are running an HP regen build I guess, for which there are much better classes than those with Inquisitor). And if you are counting on the Seal to cap your elemental resistances, you are just asking for trouble due to the overall clunkiness of the skill (like the initial delay before the bonuses are applied).
As for adding vs replacing, the replacement suggestion was mostly to avoid “overloading” the skill to the point where taking it becomes mandatory. I’m not against just adding it, really. Also, energy regen is lacking quite a bit in skill tree representation. On my Vindicator, I’d actually start considering reallocating a couple points into the Seal (other than the usual 1+skills for DoT immunity) if it helped me with Energy regen.