EoR Build question

Hi there, complete newbie to Grim Dawn.

After some research, I’d like to build an eye of reckoning build. Love the idea of whirlwinding around harking back to D2 Whirlwind barb days.

My question is, there seem to be three (or more, only researched for a day) paths for this. Oathkeeper/Demolisionist, Oathkeeper/Arcanist and Oathkeeper/Soldier.

Can anyone explain what the prodominent difference between these are, and how the playstyles will differ? Linked below are the two videos i was comparing. I haven’t found a video for Oathkeeper/Soldier yet, and it appears the tools website is down so i can’t access a lot of the builds people have linked. Thanks!

There are builds posted for EoR in different damages. Physical Warlord is easiest probably for newbie. Warlords is very sturdy class.

Second choice will be fire Shieldbreaker /Paladin. SB is probably better option. It’s synergizes well for fire damage, dual resist reduction, etc.

Other damages types are either gear dependent or sucks.

NOTE 1: If you want to go with two weapons, which might be the best way, you need item for that, medal or relic.

NOTE 2: EoR is energy hungry skill. Make sure you have enough “juice” to ensure you keep spinning.

NOTE 3: If you play that skill it’s imperative to keep spinning without interruptions from other casts.

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So the primary difference with the class combinations is just the type of damage done?

Trying to sort out the terminology. Warlord = Oathkeeper + Soldier, right? And Shieldbreaker = Oathkeeper + Demolitionist? Or am I totally lost? lol

That’s right.

Oathkeeper classes are

Shieldbreaker - Demo
Templar - Arcanist
Paladin - Inquisitor
Walord - Soldier
Archon - Shaman
Dervish - Nightblade
Sentinel - Occultist
Oppressor - Necromancer

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You are correct, should write the classes and not the combos.

About different classes, you use different damage type, different support skills, devotions, items. So they have unique feel and visuals as well. About archetypes, you can go Dual wield, 2h, or sword and board. Cyclone set even uses off hand.

But for beginners it’s either Dual wield or shield Warlord or Dual wield or 2h Shieldbreaker. But that’s just my advise, you’re not obligated to follow :wink:

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Awesome, thank you guys for clarifying.

I know good advice when I see it. :smile: I’m already specd into soldier so I think Warlord it is. Thanks again!

Is Shielbreaker superior to Paladin for EoR builds?

I’m leveling a Paladin, but I just find sitting on the seal annoying :stuck_out_tongue:
What are the main differences between the 2, do you know?

Both are quite good. You need to stay in seal, yup. But also it’s great defensive tool. Inquisitor have heal, CC, Censure is automatic RR skill. Demo have high fire bonus, also you can use Divine mandate for exclusive skill. Also attack speed boost. So I would go Demo, but is my preference, not necessary is better.

If Paladins aren’t as fun to you because of Inquisitor Seal, I can recommend you to go for one of three class combinations (since next to Paladin, they are the strongest with EoR at the moment):

  • Shieldbreaker (with Demolitionist). This one is both very strong and very resilient, especiall in the end game with the dedicated Cyclone set. Whilst you can move freely, it has a larger number of supporting skills like Thermite Mines or Blackwater Cocktail that have to be cast in between.

  • Archon (with Shaman). This is very similar to the Shieldbreaker version in terms of damage/defense, but with less fire and more lightning (I personally really like the effects). The best end game setups probably use even more secondary skills than Shieldbreaker, though.

  • Warlord (with Soldier). I have never played an EoR Warlord myself, but in terms of playstyle that one definitely seems to be the ‘easiest to play’ – meaning it has the fewest buttons to press (and thus the highest amount of pure spinning action). Builds involving the Soldier class are also usually pretty tanky.

So in the end it’s really just about what kind of playstyle you prefer :slight_smile: