Epic Compendium of Epic set Builds

Oops, I meant BA instead of FW. Yeah, the boring and obvious solution is 2H Gutsmasher, which will fit with quite a few other sets better. Baldir seems to be a left-over from before? Edit: For example the Bloodrager set = ML’s Gutsmasher build fills exactly the same niche, but stronger and could easily be adapted to oathkeeper using a minimum investment in Judgment, much like you end up doing with BA Baldirs.

However, the interesting potential of Baldirs is the oathkeeper side, because of the conversion and different approach:

I was hoping to make a couple of new greens work:
boneslicer and/or
Kalis’Ka’s Harvest

But unfortunately BA suffers under 1H.

So imho Baldir’s set would be better if it dropped BA perhaps for Aegis of Menhir/RF, for something different. Perhaps that is too niche? … or not, because I’ve never seen Baldir’s chosen over anything.

Whereas many of the blue sets do have defining features that set them apart from legendaries.

Edit: Something towards this idea of Physical/bleed VM/Judgement can be currently possible, but points are tight and also Aegis would be good in there. Sustain is a problem…

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