Epic sets worth keeping?

Hello everyone and thank you for your attention.

I am a new player with a slight hoarding problem. At the moment I have one lvl 100 toon which can do most of the endgame content. I dont want to use GD stash or mules because that would make my hoarding a lot worse. Since I am fairly new to the game I really dont know what builds/classes I will like to play later on, so I’d like to keep my options open by hoarding only top tier items and item sets.

Currently I keep all lvl 80 and above Legendaries and Epic set items, lvl 80 and above rings&amulets (because they dont use a lot of space) and cool double rares. Everything else gets demolished.

My question :

Are high lvl Epic sets worth keeping ? If yes, is there a list of the good ones ?

Is there a list of bad Legendaries/Legendary sets that are worth demolishing ?

Thank you in advance !

If you want to make a new character, than think on what sort of character it will be. What epic items could it make use of.

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Nah, Item Assistant makes hoarding not a problem since you can drop anything there and retrieve anything from it in no time.
If it influenced the gameplay negatively, then it would be a problem :slight_smile:

#hoardersArePeople  #embraceTheHoarding  #joinTheHoarde


You can use some sets for leveling with other characters so you need to understand your play style and decide that whether this item will be useful for me or not. I do keep a lot of epics but not sets. There some epic items that can be combined with end game gears but sets are mostly useless and easily obtainable. Of course there are sets that provide a certain playstyle with certain characters that no legendary set can support and I suggest you keep 65 level+ most epic and leg items/sets for a while till you get the idea of what kind of playstyle or builds interests you. Then you can eliminate hoarding to planned keeping for future needs lol :smiley:

PS: You can keep a lot of items without GDstash. You just have to open a lot of characters. Create new character, complete first quest so you gain access to the DC’s smuggler. With little sell-outs you can buy first 3 stash tabs of course but to open all you need to finish first act so you can go to FG. You farm iron bits with your main character and transfer them to the new character(or you can simply farm with new ones ofc) by iron bars. You buy all tabs, you transfer items through log-on/off through shared stash. It’s kinda annoying yes, enter with this character then other, then that one again… But atleast it’s all in the game.

I think @RektbyProtoss has a list on good epic items or sets somewhere

I used to keep Herald, Praetorian, Valiance and the other lvl 50 jewelry set I can’t remember the name for now (Royal something ?) . So general sets which can help any char for leveling.


Now this is highly subjective but this would be my list of Epic Sets to keep:

  • Blind Assassin Set (Excellent Set for Pierce Infiltrator)
  • Stonefather Set (Nice for tanky physical Sword+Board Warlord)
  • Perdition Set (good Acid Retaliation Sentinel Set)
  • Dawnguard Set (Go-to Set for Lightning Retaliation builds)
  • Daega’s Raiment Set (interesting Set for Dreegs Evil Eye Acid/Poison Caster Sentinel - underrated imo)
  • Silver Sentinel’s Set (Good Cold Infiltrator set)
  • Magelord Set (This is a Set of rings. Great for Aether builds, for some these are even Best in Slot rings)
  • Blazeseer Set (This is a Set of a ring, a belt and a medal - cool for fire based characters. Full set gives a nice proc but the individual ring alone is worth keeping imo)

Having said that, especially Dawnguard and Daega drop soooo frequently for me that I could get away with not storing any piece. I will probably have a full set of Daegas for example, just by playing through the game once.

Again, this is subjective and stuff I actually tested myself.


Very good list @SkeletorOne

I might add the Luminari set aswell. Good for elemental ranged builds like Mage Hunter, Vindicator and Trickster.

Also Stormserpent set is interesting, at least on paper with its massive pierce to lightning conversion. I have had some great fun with that one, but because it is kinda “thin” you need to get some tanky items on legs, boots and shoulders.

Finally Dreadwalker set, excellent for vitality DE and you can get very high sheet dps with it.

Also remember that one can transmute epic set pieces too, which might come in handy for sets that have more than 3pieces AND sets that has jewlrey (like Magelord set can be hard to get and also Blazeseer medal, stonefather medal and blind assassin amulet) also some sets have helm blueprint (Blind assassin, perdition and Dreadwalker) so here its nice to have extra pieces for transmutation as well.

Also do not forget that some epic items are very good also for fully geared builds later on

I have actually planned in expanding my beginner builds collection with an “epic collection” show casing the strenght of each high level Epic set :slight_smile: But first i “need” to update and make some more faction builds.

@Skunix You can also think like this, since most epic set items have very high drop chance, you could just save those that seem intersting to your next build. No need to saving a bunch of stuff. Legendary items are a bit more rare, so those you wanna save - perhaps not all of them but set pieces are in general good to store (just to make sure that you can transmute to an entire set, otherwise just keep best rolls) - same with non-set items, keep the best two rolls of each.


Oh, totally forgot about the Luminari Set! That one is great, too! I actually did a Nex+Ortus Elemental Melee Infiltrator with Luminari and it worked quite well.

I hear GDIA is spying on you, but that may be out-of-date information?

Anyway, I’m not sure why GD Stash isn’t good enough for that. It takes 2 button presses to import all of the items from your inventory in your GD Stash Collection database (Refresh Inventory -> Move entire page to DB), it’s very convenient. It certainly made my hoarding issue less bad because I don’t even have to look at the items anymore, I just put them all into the database without even looking.

GD stash can be tempting to visit that “craft” tab :wink:

I usually only talk about IA because that’s the program I use and know for storing items. Haven’t tested this feature of GDStash since IA allows you to store items without leaving the game.

I honestly don’t know because I haven’t researched this issue much but for now I think it’s some bullshit/technical negligence and trust the author until proven wrong by more knowledgeable person. Here are some discussions if you’d like to have a loot yourself

also the source code is here

It’s certainly for responsible and mature players that know how they want to experience the game and don’t feel regrets because they didn’t foresee GDStash could lessen their enjoyment of farming items.

I would soo like GD stash to come in “legit” version as well, where crafting means that you actually use your saved components


With no mules/stash app you won’t be able to hoard 1/5th of the game’s purples let alone blues and greens.

Some blue sets in top endgame builds: Blind Assassin, Silver Sentinel, Eastern set, Aetherstorm jewelry set, Magelord ringset, maybe some others. Most other sets don’t offer anything unique that couldn’t be topped by similar purple sets.

This is quite controversial but if I was to make a list of sets outclassed by better options for similar play styles: Rotgheist, Voidsoul, Valguur (actually it’s not bad but outclassed by Dark One), Markovian, Harra (mostly), Avenger, maybe some others.

Not to say these sets are bad per se.

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Save Apothecary’s gear pieces, especially the Gloves. Thank me later, this set is fun as shit and is getting upgraded to mythic version in 1.1.7! SWEET!!!

until mythical version is implemented, Apothecary set is just something you will use when leveling

You mean this?


yes 10chars

Dont let @malawiglenn tell you how to use anything. You can use it however you want. Its fun as hell, even the Empowered version. I use the gloves only, and on my level 100 support deceiver and its fantastic! Damn near Healing Rain on demand, as its got 100% chance to proc when hit during the gloves granted skill effect window. Procs quite reliably, and exactly when needed, making the gloves and their seemingly small heal become a giant heal and regen buff for the entire party

You can use Lokarr set at level 100 too, you can use yellow belt at level 100. I would not advice anyone to do that though.

Most ppl do not play GD in MP as parties :slight_smile: