Experiencing Issues as a new Player

Hello Everyone!

i am very new to Grim Dawn, but not new to the type of game. I play a lot of POE and Diablo 3 in my day.

My issue is my game keeps crashing. I maybe get 15-30 min in and it just crashes. But its a weird crash, the screen goes black but i can still cast abilities etc and hear everything.

Ive tried playing around with the settings but nothing helps.

64g of RAM
I7 3.6Ghz

This setup should easily run this game id imagine. I am also playing on a 3440 x 1440 monitor and maybe that’s the issue I dont know.

I am hoping someone has dealt with this issue before and it’s a simple setting issue.

I look forward to your response and thank you ahead of time for hearing me out!



This sounds like something video related, so I’d research in this direction.

https://steamcommunity.com/app/219990/discussions/0/1488861734124219001/ - I would try this first

Also there’s this amazing trouble shooting guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=700083557, which might have something useful to you.

Thank you for that quick response.

The first thread made a few recommendations which seems to be fixing the issue. It’s been a few hours now and no crashing.

Thank you again!

Glad to hear you have improved playing and… Welcome to the forum :smiley:


Recently updated your graphics drivers?
Heard some rumors that the new drivers have had some issues with this.

Im playing on a 35" 21:9 Display, but i have not installed the latest NVidia Driver but the version before. I think this is your Problem. Ive never had issues with GD. Im using a GTX 1080ti

Sounds like your issues are fixed… If they return Vsync and Fullscreen were causing issues for me. I could not use both at the same time.