This definitely not fixed… I expanded my fields and it went over cap… I even deleted the expanded field and built a new one and all it did was add even MORE farmers… I’m currently sitting at 26/14 farmers… lol =\
Also while not having to do with the above thing but since you made the game update the fertility,weeds,rocks of a expanded field… You also need it to reset the honey bonus of the expanded fields because if you start at say a 5v5 farm and expand to a 10v10 farm you have a high honey bonus in the original 5v5 but the rest of the farm never seems to get a high honey bonus kinda like how the fertility USED to be before the fix =\
Started a new town after the update, but yea, theres like ghost farmers in my save because you have to keep the excess farmers because if you turn it down to the correct “max” farmers it removes the farmers from your fields then they don’t work those fields so im stuck at like 24/19 farmers in my town atm… and if you delete a farm and remake it… it just gets worse
I think I figured the issue out…I just made a new 5v5 field and started with 30/21 farmers… I wanted to expand it to 10v10… well 5v5 starts with 2 farmers and to expand the field to 10v10 the games shall we say… wonky when it comes to field expansion but you should end it with a 5 farmer field… since you have to start the expansion with the square next to the farm you want to expand you can’t just drag it out and magically make a field 10v10… you need to do one expansion 5v10 then do another expansion of 5v5… well I did that and both expansions were completed but heres the kicker… The farmers now read 37/24… So the game updated the actual correct cap of 24 but added 7 extra farmers which you can not get rid of because if you lower the 37 number it removes farmers from the fields which if you low it too low the farmers won’t tend the fields
On the bright side… if the farmers die for some reason be it old age,disease, or raiders… it will remove a excess farmer from the farmer pool but won’t reduce the amount of farmers tending the fields which I found out the hard when when I got a raider ultimatum while I was testing the issue again
Yep just tested it again this time started as a 5v10 farm and expanded it to 10v20… started with 27/19 farmers and should have ended with 37/29 since a 10v20 farm is 10 extra farmers… ended with 44/29 so thats 7 extra farmers… I suspect it has something do to with the game getting confused if you expand the farm possibly twice as the same time since I added a 5v10 and a 10v10 expansion onto the original 5v10 at the same time either that or the game just doesn’t like math
I’m having the same issue. I’m not sure what I’m doing to make the number of farmers to exceed the maximum. Below, I only have 3 excess farmers, but I’ve seen the number jump as high as something like 55/35, indicating that it’s been fluctuating automatically without my involvement:
that I’m not sure I can tell you other than my test scenarios because when I originally started the farms they were four 5v5 farms that I expanded into two 10v10s and two 5v10 so if my test problems stated above is whats causing the issue its most likely when I expanded two of those fields to 10v10 because I did 2 expansions at the same time on the same field… So I would taken the 5v5 field, hit the expansion button, drew a 5v5 expansion onto one corner of it THEN at the same time drew a 5v10 expansion on the other corner so the field would come out to be a 10v10 square
End result showing how I expanded the top two farms from 5v5 to 5v10 and the bottom two from 5v5 to 10v10 by doing like I stated in posts above… I took a 5v5 adding a 5v5 expansion to the left and right of each field depending on the field and without closing the expansion window I added another 5v10 section to the original 5v5 field too resulting in 4 expansions… 1 on each of the top fields and 2 on each of the bottom fields
I had this bug.
Kinda easy to correct until it’ll be fixed.
Reduce the number of farmers to 0 in professions panel and then re-employ the workers as farmers.
It did it for me.
Having extra farmers is never a bad thing especially since they also have to collect the bee hives but I didn’t think the devs want you to have all those extra farmers