Fallout 76 LOL

I can’t find any threads on this upcoming game. Thought I saw one, but looked but anyway.

Fallout 76 is an online MMO, and currently its in beta. But checkout this video, I found it from another site, and all I can say is frelling hell

seriously, even for a beta, the game is bad. I not watched it all, but I get the gist, another buggy, broken mess, using the same engine as their previous games. has a bug that not been fixed in Fallout 4. (and that fanmade patch won’t work in this new game)

This isn’t worth defending or buying. I really don’t understand why this company can still produce games, when they are so buggy. and despite the claims, This game is empty and devoid of anything to do. Its not going to last long once it hits gold.

Anyway, some of the bugs are quite entertaining.

sigh I am not playing that one. Will just watch an LP on yt. At least, the youtuber will make it entertaining for a while.

Speaking of the engine, I heard they will use the same thing for Elder Scrolls 6… Looks like they will be sticking to it till the end.

Yeah, I heard the same, this engine needs to die, and I guess the devs are so cheap skates and lazy, that they just don’t want to use another engine. also if you watched the linked video up to the networking part, even their network code is horrible. LOL They jusst don’t want to spend money on this, and release a low budget game for full price and add micro transactions on top. seriously? what the hell?

I hope this game burns, and I hope someday this publisher goes bankrupt.

Oh, great! The Fallout 76 hate circlejerk has come to the forum.

Did you watch the video? I have and in all honesty, the game is just downright bad.

Fallout 76 and Diablo Immortal, born to be reviled.

Makes you wonder if some devs might have been going through some sort of drug phase, because they should know better.

It’s like a bad joke…occasionally it hits its target, but that can be explained by the law of averages.

why wouldn’t they ? an engine is not a static piece of code that never evolves.

If you watched the video you see someone say that the engine was used in Morrorwind already, if you take that to mean that they still use the same engine that was used in Morrorwind, then that is a misunderstanding. Since Morrorwind a lot of the code will have been redone and features added. Code is not a physical product where alterations after its construction are hard.
Just look at TQ and GD, according to that logic they too are the same engine as one evolved from the other. The Unreal engine too has been around forever, but has changed repeatedly / continuously over time.

As to F76, I am not interested because I do not care for MP at all.

That would be my primary reason as well. Nothing against the game itself. I’ve read comments by people skeptical of it at first which go on to say they actually kinda like it. To each their own.

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It’s more about why big franchises succumb into MMOs or mobile slagpit.
I would prefer if they released some news about next Fallout with good SP campaign, like Vegas, or Blizzard released D4 info.
Instead, they just make weird moves, matching franchises to a specific target audience or ‘right’ platform and put everything else on halt, because guys with bigger desks had some visions. Easy profit, most like.

No skin off my nose here, just hoped for something else. Now I wonder what Gearbox will do with their one and only successful franchise if they follow the trend. Trend your friend, smart is hard. :eek:

It’s not in beta, it released a few days ago.

Just look at how terrible Fallout 76 looks compared to Witcher 3 which is just 3 years old. Search around, Bethesda may slightly improve certain parts but the framework is still pretty much the same as it was with Morrowind. Only reason Bethesda still uses it is because it’s fast and easy to create stuff.

I bought the “remastered” versions of the first 2 Bioshock games on Steam so I could play the originals. The original Bioshock which is from 2007 looks better then Fallout 76. The textures look better.

there can be plenty of reasons for that. I only saw a bit of videos of F76 not the actual game (and not much of that, as I am not interested…), so video compression can be one reason, lower quality graphics to reach a wider audience can be another, not sure the engine itself is any reason at all here, I know too little of either.
EDIT: from a quick check on YT I agree though, W3 looks crisper / more high res than F76, but that still might have reasons outside the engine

the framework is still pretty much the same as it was with Morrowind

framework has nothing to do with actual engine code, that is more about overall design, i.e. what blocks your engine is made up of (and why would that change), not how good each block is at what it does (AI, 3D, shaders…)

The last Bethesda game I played was Skyrim, hadn’t had any issues with that from a graphics perspective. Will see how the engine evolved with ES6. You may be right and an overhaul might be due, my point was more that there is no reason to abandon an engine instead of improving it, so how long ago an engine was first introduced is not really relevant, what is relevant is how well you maintained it since.

The original Bioshock which is from 2007 looks better then Fallout 76. The textures look better.

the textures are not indicative of the quality of the engine though, I can display bad textures in a good engine and vice versa

There was a time where the Brand of the company meant something. Now it is worth less then the “Brand” of any given IP. That is sad as well

There was also a time big open world 3d games were rare and difficult to make. Bethesda was one of the first to try it and we forgave the bugs. Especially since the modders could fix it and add elements to the game.

Now it is no longer acceptable. big open 3d worlds are common, a dime a dozen, massive bugs like that aren’t acceptable anymore. Witcher 3 had tons of big bugs, but they fixed almost all of them with a few big patches. Unlike Bethesda who often just ignores bug reports… even letting those bugs ship in sequels as well. If Bethesda wants to stay relevant they need to step up their game. Instead of creating boring open worlds with just a framework of a game with shitty story lines … which modders have to fix so that after a year of release we actually have a game to play.

Then you have Todd Howard, and other game designers on that team, who have been so long in this business… and apparently know shit all about what they’re doing. Even said in interviews that he just wants to take things away, because that would improve the overall experience. Hopefully him and his designers have learned to stop that idiotic behavior and start making a game with proper content. They’ve taken so much away in Skyrim, FO4 and now FO76 that there hardly is a game left to play.

After seeing the trend with Oblviion then Skyrim I have little faith for ES6 as well. I enjoyed the side content of Oblivion, but that’s about it. Skyrim I enjoyed nothing. It was so dull with boring quests, boring lifeless environments that all looked pretty much the same, factions that were carbon copies of one another, nothing you did mattered in anyway. I needed around 100 mods to add trees, wild life etc to make it somewhat interesting to move through the world. Morrowind is a much smaller scaled game, but at least it had quite a lot of variety in environments and some choices that had some impact. Dialogue and story overall was much better in the older games hands down. Take elements from Daggerfall, the variety and better dialogue/story from morrowind and improve game mechanics to make it a smoother experience. Then they might end up with an awesome game that is actually worth being part of the Elder Scrolls IP. Instead I assume we’ll be getting another dull world, with even less dialogue, even less interesting quests, even less interesting and diverse factions with even more meaningless stuff. And to turn that into a good game you’d have to pay tons of money extra for all the mods you require.

Personally, I enjoyed Skyrim a lot. No mods needed. The environment and atmosphere were good, imo. I do agree on the factions issue. And hearing the same dialogue again and again when I visited Ulfric or Talius was just annoying.

I tried playing Morrowind a couple of times. It just felt… slow. I think, something more fast-paced is more appealing to me. I would like to finish the game at least, though.

I still ave faith in Elder Scrolls 6. I will most likely play all of it, without any mods, and enjoy it. I guess I am just easy to please ^^’

“Is this a bag? Is it a sling-bag?”
“No, it’s a Wastepaper bag!”

Wastepaper (Nylon) bag as in $200 edition.

Did Bethesda just go full retard mode like what Blizzard did with Diablo Immortal???

Why don’t you just let people chat about what they want to instead of being a jerk?

w00t we might get a real Fallout game it seems…made by Obsidian :stuck_out_tongue:

Given Obsidian’s track record with RPG’s lately (Fallout: New Vegas, Pillars of Eternity 1 & 2 so far as I know), I’d love to see Fallout go back to its RPG roots again. Fallout 4 was fun and all, but it felt more like a FPS than an RPG.

Saw few videos and streams. Disappointing.

Talk around the water cooler is that they may go free to play, but its conjecture at the moment.

It will be interesting to see how they dig themselves out of this hole, they have done a lot of damage to their good will.