Farming Build question

Broadly speaking, builds that use Dark One and Krieg sets are nice solo self-found choices because the target farmability of these sets allows you to more reliably put together your endgame gear. In particular, I’d recommend taking a look at this guide put together by @Nery:

While I don’t imagine you regard yourself as a beginner, this guide gives you a nice sketch of how to smoothly get from fresh start to Dark One set Conjurer and the leveling gear you’ll want to pick up on the way.

If you’re looking to play other kinds of builds, some of the other beginner guides on the forum may be worth a look for their gear suggestions to help you get things going, but bear in mind that not all build archetypes have quite as much access as Vitality Conjurer to great target farmable or craftable endgame items. As a result, good portions of the final recommended gear in these beginner guides may merely be stopgaps while you wait for RNG to provide better options (and you should expect the performance of these builds to vary accordingly).

You may also be interested in some of the different solo self-found leveling video series @RektbyProtoss has on his youtube channel (including the Vitality Conjurer series linked as an alternate resource in @Nery’s build guide). Here is the first video in his playlist of all of his SSF leveling videos to date.

Rektbyprotoss SSF leveling playlist