Farthest Frontier v0.9.0 + v0.9.0a

I agree with that

I like this idea, it also makes mining gold somewhat less overpowered.

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In this you’re right, I was watching game getting new patch when I arrived home and saw the link to patch notes. As a fan of the game I came to check notes before starting a new save. And for me this feature is unfotunate. I don’t mind if “has it” but don’t affect how my game will improve if I don’t use, and when I saw “demand” was a bummer.

I could use your premisse and say that “the notion of people still following deities in 2023 is also hilarious to me”, but I rather give you the notion that beliefs and disbeliefs exists, you wanting or not, you are the only person that can choose wich one you will follow and no one else has a saying on the matter.

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maybe people in your village are so impressed and amazed and awed by the artifact that it inspires them to work harder/fight harder, for themselves, for their families, and to contribute the to great community they have built - one so great that they could acquire an amazing artifact!

It’s not a matter of belief or disbelief, but it’s a matter of psychology, before any other thing. A strong ideal, a strong reason, or a strong worship improves a lot what people are able to do, and this is nothing about magic or fantasy, it’s just the power of our mind. A man fighting to defend his family, or a woman fighting to defend her child, can become way stronger, more dangerous, and definitely more effective than someone who is fighting “cos he got to”, meaning without a very strong “internal” motivation. And this applies to cults and beliefs too.

This is science, not magic. Power of mind.

Wars were won because of this, people saved their life and their family because of this. Having to fight or work for something which is above everything else and the most important thing you feel it is in your life, can boost your performances in a very impressive way.

Sure but shields and hide coats are not more effective against arrows because the person using it has a strong idea it will be. Worship does not make trees grow faster. Faith does not stop vegetables rotting or items wearing out.
Some, indeed quite a few of these benefits are magic and sorcery not things that can be affected by ideals and reason. Anyway still a great game just that some of this relic stuff does not seem part of the same world.


what about the bad performance and low fps like i dnt wanna play anymore bcz of the 25fps 1000population 6700xt 1440p

Performance is one of our top priorities and improves with every update.

Optimization is not a switch you just flip one update and it’s done. It is ongoing.


It’s great to know that you are giving priority to performance. The game is already amazing. If the performance improves, it will take the game to another level.

I would just like to add a few quick suggestions:

  1. There is nothing much to do when you hit tier 4. We need more end-game stuff to keep it fun and engaging.

  2. We need more options with soldiers and fighting. The raids every few years become repetitive and boring after a few play-throughs. And more defence buildings will be a welcome addition.

  3. We need the entertainment part sorted out. More entertainment options can be added. But most important of all, ‘Beer’ as entertainment should be revamped. I don’t want half of my soldiers in a barrack intoxicated when the village is being raided.

Thanks a lot again to the devs for this amazing game.

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I really enjoy the new spirituality system, and I like the specific effort that has been done to emphasize that the game takes place in a fictional world (so that the buildings are no church or any aother thing from our world), and not our world !
(By the way, guys this is a fictional world, why not a verrrry little bit of fantasy in it ?)

Would be even nicer if we could customize the design of our temple. For example: instead of having a “cooldown” on the relic changing, the design of the temple could be automatically determined by our specific choice of relics and hence, builders would be required any time you add or switch you relics.

New BUG, River water cannot prevent people from crossing

Yes, every upgrade to a new version requires a restart, which is too troublesome. A lot of work on the original map is equivalent to waste.

A bug I just had while playing: for some reason, 60+ of my villagers started getting worms and the number has kept growing for more than a year, despite the fact that I have 270 shoes in storage. The villagers keep hobbling around the village with new shoes on and don’t heal.

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The changes are already nice, when does the battle update come.

Thank you :slight_smile:

The hazards of playing a game in Early Access.
If it bothers you that much, you might want to wait until it’s finished. :smiley:

I have a 12x12 field which is expanded from 6x6, now with a yield of 1988, but only 2 cows consumed 1195 of crop when grazing. Is this normal?

In next year, I plant carrot on the same field with a yield of 1089, but 761 of carrots being consumed by 2 cows, only 3 hundreds left when harvesting.

A fence already built around the field and checked no fence is broken.

Yes, if you put cattle on your crop fields they’ll eat the crops. Best to just have them there when you have clover planted or just not put their grazing area on fields to start with. What I do is put down their grazing area, lay out some crop fields in that area, plant them all up with clover and then remove the farmers from those fields since clover doesn’t need any looking after. Cattle graze happily and don’t need to be micro-managed so they don’t eat your crops.

Hotfix v0.9.0a is going up posthaste.


  • Workers that cannot path to their work building now trigger a warning on the building and the affected villager.
  • Fixed an issue where certain icons would display wolves instead of the correct symbol.
  • Fixed a rare issue where workers cannot be assigned to buildings.
  • Fixed an issue where detail objects could overgrow where Fruit Trees are planted.
  • Fixed an issue where the Shrine upgrade tooltip displayed the incorrect increase in upkeep cost.

Nice, hadn’t thought of that one…

Don’t know if it’s an issue of the v0.9.0a but after the patch, I had already 2 raider incursions and I noticed a bug that never happened before, when raiders start retreating soldiers and towers no longer target and attack them, they past throw them and nothing happens, and yes they have ammo to use, but just don’t attack them, also in the end, when the “village was raided” notification appears, although many of the raiders were killed upon trying to enter the village, it reports 0 killed raiders.

EDIT: Restarted the game and loaded saved game, it seems that particular issue is no longer happening, don’t know what could have caused it, maybe something to investigate if someone else reports it.