V0.9.3 is Farthest Frontier’s first optimization pass. While we expect framerate to improve for most players, this is only the first step. You can look forward to further performance boosts in upcoming updates!
This isn’t all that v0.9.3 has to offer, as it comes alongside a significant balance and visual pass, new military controls, and more!
For the full list of changes, see below:
v0.9.3a Hotfix 1
Fixed an issue where Wells did not highlight impacted shelters upon placement.
Fixed an issue where T1 and T2 Theaters had their desirability radius reversed. Settlements with T1 Theaters may experience shelters that are no longer benefiting from their Theater due to the range change.
Fixed an issue where the Happiness and Military Company windows would cause significant performance loss while open.
Fixed an issue where Town Center window tabs would continue to perform calculations even after closing, resulting in performance degradation.
Fixed an issue where immigrants would sometimes t-pose.
The duration of a game day has been increased from 5s to 8s at 1x speed. This change was made to improve overall gameplay flow and make villagers get around less frantically, and to provide a more relaxing pace at 1x speed.
Military Companies are now displayed on the buttom of the HUD for quick selection.
This update includes significant optimization changes aimed at improving performance, particularly in large settlements.
Desirability radii have been significantly increased across most buildings, particularly large ones such as Theaters and Temples, to increase flexibility in town layouts.
Added Retreat to Barracks button to rally flags and the Barracks and Cavalary Stable windows. Activating this option forces military units to return to their garrison and ignore all threats along the way.
Max zoom has been increased.
Wolves now stop respawning outside of wolf dens once several years have passed. Less wolves now spawn on Pioneer and Trailblazer difficulties. This is to remove annoying/spammy predator attacks in the late game, at which point these cease to be a meaningful threat.
Foraged resources now indicate when their yields are penalized by environmental factors (ex. buildings nearby). Regrowing trees can now rejuvenate a foraged resource impacted by tree cutting (this change is not retroactive for foraged items already near replanted trees).
Raiders, as uncivilized as they are, no longer heavily prefer roads for approaching your settlement.
Raiders no longer run towards your settlement, giving you more time to prepare for an incoming raid. Raiders instead now charge once they see a valid target.
Raiders are now more likely to target Shelters and production buildings, rather than going straight for storage and gold supplies.
Archers with 0 arrows now retreat to restock their arrows.
Archers will now only melee attack if out of arrows and manually commanded to attack by the player or they are actively being attacked by a melee raider.
Hunters will now retreat from raiders if they get too close.
Archers and Hunters now have a base bonus movement speed.
I agree with the barracks having an “armory” of weapons, armor, arrows, etc. Maybe also count that as housing for the troops instead of taking up housing space in town. You could even have food and other supplies delivered there for them similar to the temporary housing for laborers.
However, I am here to report an issue I came across on my save. I am not seeing anything in the notes about changes made to the growth cycle of hay. Upon loading my save, I noticed all my hay cycles were removed and while I was able to re-select them again; I am unable to grow anything else within the same year. The length appears to be the same, and I was able to grow peas/beets in the same year before the update. It could be operator error on my part, but I just wanted to let you know!
I see the good intentions behind that idea, but in fact this made it much (!) more difficult to maintain a vast settlement that doesnt only make use of the ressources of a small area of the map.
When the raiders mostly targeted your town centre, it was maintainable to build a defensive infrastructure with walls etc.
But now, when raiders randomly attack all the buildings in their path, they destroy the harvesting buildings of quite a big stripe of the map. And it’s quite hard to prevent them from doing that. By reasonable means you cannot build a wall around the whole map and to dispatch your military towards the incoming crowds is often too slowly to guarantee a working defense.
Couldnt you consider making this part of the difficulty levels instead of making it a general thing?
I fear how this would end with raiders in late game. The raids i’ve seen since the update are now at about 70/80 raiders in two waves (pioneer difficulty). When they reach numbers of ~200 the devastation will be much worse.
If it was your goal to make raids generally much more difficult to handle, then you achieved it
But in any other case it could perhaps be a good idea to make this part of the difficulty system.
@Zantai as said here, it seems that many of those who are experiencing issues and lags are using a RTX GPU. Many others even with lower hardware (including myself with my GTX 1060 6G) are not experiencing issues. Maybe there could be some settings that need to be adjusted when using RTX GPUs?
Thats a good question i never looked at the frame rate. Also now everytime i load the game i have to wait for the .exe to react. Im gonna run another village starting from scratch maybe its duo to savefile.
I play on Fullscreen +Window mode. I dont have V-Sync activated. 2560x1440 on 100% supersampling.
Picturerepetitionrate or how ever u call it is on unlimeted. Background FPS 10, schade max, the one below that 8xMSAA, smooth shadows, smooth particles, leafs, sharpnes, and sharpnesdeepth intensity at 100%.
I would like to suggest a building queue? Being able to “Rebuild All” would be pretty nice too. Kind of a pain to do it individually every time a large raid comes through.
Being able to “Rebuild All” would be pretty nice too. Kind of a pain to do it individually every time a large raid comes through.
This is the one remaining quality-of-life problem that keeps me using Melonloader and the appropriate rebuild-all mod. Upgrade-all is a close second, although much less painful.
Hello! " * Desirability radii have been significantly increased across most buildings, particularly large ones such as Theaters and Temples, to increase flexibility in town layouts."
And after I upgraded the theater to level 2, the radius decreased, as did the temple. Please fix it. And to be honest, I would like to see the coverage area, like the market.
Thank you in advance!
Здравствуйте! “Радиусы желательности были значительно увеличены для большинства зданий, особенно больших, таких как театры и храмы, чтобы повысить гибкость планировки города.”
А после того как я улучшил театр до 2 уровня, радиус снизился, как и у храма. Исправьте пожалуйста. А если честно, хотелось бы, чтобы было видно зону покрытия, как у рынка.
Заранее благодарю вас!
We have just pushed a hotfix to address several critical issues. You may need to restart Steam for the download to start.
Fixed an issue where Wells did not highlight impacted shelters upon placement.
Fixed an issue where T1 and T2 Theaters had their desirability radius reversed. Settlements with T1 Theaters may experience shelters that are no longer benefiting from their Theater due to the range change.
Fixed an issue where the Happiness and Military Company windows would cause significant performance loss while open.
Fixed an issue where Town Center window tabs would continue to perform calculations even after closing, resulting in performance degradation.
Fixed an issue where immigrants would sometimes t-pose.
Hey, I’m an enjoying the update and especially appreciate the flexibility that broader desirability radius’s offer when town planning. I have a small gripe though…why are the trees so freaking tall now? The Oak and Maple tree models simply doesn’t look real anymore, and the way they utterly dwarf even the lvl 2 trading post makes the town feel like a toy town rather than realistic. If we could bring back realistically proportioned trees that would be great, as right now it honestly just kinda looks like a coding error how freakishly tall most trees are. Thanks!
Oak and maple trees can get from 60 to 90 feet tall, with some really old ones getting to be 150 feet tall. If you dont like the looks next to your trading post cut them down.
I agree with the new changes. After a few minutes of odd effect, I started to like the new appearance way more. They do actually look more realistic and add more variety as they should have done since long time. Also the oak canopy growth during early spring was greatly improved and now it looks realistic. The old oak models were almost naked until mid-late spring, which was not immersive and realistic.