Fashion Dawn

Very nice! But I feel like #2 needs shoulders deleted.


oh my, first and last are i find particularly gorgeous :ok_hand:


My Tyrant a modded class combo. i wish to know how you all do these detailed close up of your characters :frowning:


Looks like @Willnoword’s illusion

These are Grim Internals features (zoom, background hide, animations): More Info

Also in Grim Internals if you press A in main menu it changes animation (walking, running, horizontal slash, vertical slash etc).
I use my program GDAutocaster to slow these animations to a crawl so that I can choose the best frame.



It would be great if we could have these items

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GDstash can give you those illusions

I don’t have them I think :stuck_out_tongue: (I used to click i.e. all the helms while making illusions)

if you used the GDstash get all illusions thingy they will be on one of the first pages on head/chest/foot slot in illusionist
on mine the "emissary"hood is labelled as murderer’s
can’t remember what the chest is called
boots is also a generic name iirc

There’s a hood called Murderer’s but it doesn’t look that cool. More like a generic black hood.

on mine the emissary hood is only applicable to male models
and i know there is a regular murder hood but on mine they are diff on male models
the page 1 murder hood looks like that, and murder hood on later pages look like one of the more generic (tho i also think the name is slightly diff)

i used GDstash “get all illussion” back in spring 2019 after FG was released
resulted in my current (male) illusionist “wardrobe” being labelled as such:

with most of the NPC only illusions have generic icon/name or even “invisible” like the "Emissary"murder stuff :joy:
no idea why that happened, maybe mamba knows how i borked my stuff :flushed:

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That explains it, I don’t have it and none of my illusions are invisible.
I guess you could upload your file for those who’d like this hood.
[I think I used to have some borked stuff in the past too]

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can just change the file name to .gsh if playing on HC

keep in mind this is a “filthy GDstashed” illusion file :joy:
^as such some became “borked” icon wise, but they still work in play and not had any crashes etc happen while wearing some of the weird illusions
as with any modifications i recommend making a backup of your original file, using it is entirely on your own volition etc etc etc generic Disclaimer :kissing_heart:

edit, sry seems this post got made into a direct reply to you tqFan :sweat_smile:

edit edit, updated transmog file with additional illusions (still not 100% all) - with the help of Rakso


Might play around with this a little more but I like the base idea. Character is Internal Trauma/Physical-based :smile:.


Give him a two-handed hammer instead and you’re there…if your goal is what I think it is :wink:

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i see Korvoran chest; i like :+1:

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This guy is stuck with a shield with the set being used unfortunately :sweat_smile:. Could work well for other characters though.

Korvoran’s is quickly becoming one of my favourite chest pieces for illusions :+1:.


There have already been some ‘Mogdrogen’ illusions but I needed to make one too because the hood is only in Gnuffi’s borked transmutes file. The shoulders in this color variant are not in-game by default either.


Game has all items for Mogdrogen outfit except for helmet. For consistency sake, Avatar should have had his helmet as MI drop instead of shoulders imo, like two other big Celestials (Ravager and Callagadra). Maybe, some Pet helmet with +1 to All Skills and conversions? :thinking: