Fashion Dawn

Did you replace the file in
Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\Settings
folder (this one is correct)?
(there’s an another Settings folder that’s why I’m asking)

I did… after I posted my last message. :expressionless:
Yep I was swapping the wrong file…

Long time no posting here, looks like now is the right time to continue with faction theme fashion, this time it’s going for the Homestead.

Guardians of Homestead

With the Aetherial and Chthonian threats rising, the retired soldiers once again take up arms to protect their farming community.


guess it’s time to plop this relic here as it’s now impossible to obtain
(and also further highlights some of the illusion/fashion wonk i’ve been previously blessed with :sweat_smile:)
The Chieftain

at some point during later patches this staff got removed from the game (GDstash can’t grab it anymore either)
and Zantai just informed me that walking stick was never officially in the game :sweat_smile:


Oh, I wouldn’t necessarily say “anymore”.

If someone wanted it bad enough they can still get it… and maybe even release a mod to carry it forward and make it available for others.

Edit: and just like if someone wanted to go back and retrieve the old Summon Hellhound art and models… that can be done. And probably with countless other instances of visual changes and omissions from over the years.

Putting this knowledge up and making it more widely known opens up a lot of instances like this now for anyone motivated to. I’m pretty sure the mod tools can gain you access now to early access builds innnards… Before we even had access to the tools.

Anwar (Desolator Pyromancer)

Fun fact: this is the first character on my roster I ever created, back in vanilla GD. Put the poor guy through hell taking him through Veteran and Elite with no gear, blueprints or mats. Accumulated over a hundred deaths over that time. After his well-deserved rest, I finally collected for him gear worthy of his grandeur and he smashed his way through Ultimate and then all the way to SR80 today.


I really dig how Grim Internals lets you take some cool screens, might mess around more later. Meanwhile here are some of my many chars.



Here’s my Blademaster. She’s rather quaint, nothing flashy or extravagant, but sleek and deadly. It has Mandalorian feel.


The only thing that bothers me is the green piece of cloth under her belt. It looks like it’s snagged or something. A visual bug perhaps?


Indeed. Crate have been having trouble squashing whatever the problem is.

i wonder if it might be related to this


Huh, weird. Doesn’t seem like a bug to me, it’s just how the character/armor was rigged.

Female rig is messed up for sure. Male as well and unfortunately they’ve been this way since the beginning.


really like the second one, pairing astral chest and frostdread shoulders look real good :+1: - think i might “steal” that and see how Trozan hat looks on it :thinking:


Here is my Cold ninja-themed Reaper :cold_face:. If only helmet was slightly darker. Frostdread shoulders are great indeed.


Cosmic Comet

Unlike other cosmic beings, the Cosmic Comet doesn’t destroy life. As a loyal servant of the idea of creation, they travel across the galaxy and visit planets that house any forms of life. They are always impressed by the creations of life on those planets. Life is rewarded by the Comic Comet with beautiful paintings on the canvas that is the cosmos. With their guns, each bullet is a colorful comet that lights up the sky and starts their infinite journey through the world, being an inspiration to life.


The Brothers Grim

Commissioned by John Bourbon himself as Devil’s Crossing’s official bounty hunter Marshalls. These two brothers are a duo that always strikes fear into Darius Cronley’s heart when he hears of a bounty that has been raised on his mission critical gang members.

Meet Jesse and James Grim - The fastest guns in Cairn.



Found it in Grim League.

@Serious_Stan Please explain :laughing: