Fashion Dawn

Cough Mythical Maw of Despair Cough

The armor gives me tqVibes.


Oh, I thought it was a DoM item; thx for clarifying! :slight_smile:

That’s because it is from TQ. :rofl: Obsidian Breastplate to be exact.


Vrasc Egdenor (Bleed Conjurer)


I’m getting hillbilly Michael Myers vibes (in a good way). Nice, would not want to see that coming at me at night :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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The colors here are just so good! Could fit into my Cosmic transmogs quite well (if it had a more extra helm). :stuck_out_tongue:
On another topic, I take pictures of my transmogs with all settings maxed and yet I feel they lack the detail compared to other people’s posts. May be my eyes deceiving me or something is not right with my GD, hmm.

For me it’s all settings at max + making character bigger (almost the height of the screen, well at least when not using the vanilla background with Grim Dawn title) / zooming with GI which adds resolution.

I do that too, my resolution is mere 1366x768 though. :frowning:

Your last illusion lacks lightning quality / shine / reflection, sth like that. Reminds me of my screenshots at some different settings. Are you sure everything is at max? Maybe post screenshot of your video settings.

I replace the settings file with my maxed settings one, but the game doesn’t change at all.

Yeah it looks like swapping the options file doesn’t do anything, weird.
I changed all options to maxium in game and yeah, it’s night and day in terms of difference.
Hello sexy!

Gotta update the og post aswell.
…Also I think this means all my transmogs’ pictures were taken at the lowest graphic settings. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Did you replace the file in
Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\Settings
folder (this one is correct)?
(there’s an another Settings folder that’s why I’m asking)

I did… after I posted my last message. :expressionless:
Yep I was swapping the wrong file…

Long time no posting here, looks like now is the right time to continue with faction theme fashion, this time it’s going for the Homestead.

Guardians of Homestead

With the Aetherial and Chthonian threats rising, the retired soldiers once again take up arms to protect their farming community.


guess it’s time to plop this relic here as it’s now impossible to obtain
(and also further highlights some of the illusion/fashion wonk i’ve been previously blessed with :sweat_smile:)
The Chieftain

at some point during later patches this staff got removed from the game (GDstash can’t grab it anymore either)
and Zantai just informed me that walking stick was never officially in the game :sweat_smile:


Oh, I wouldn’t necessarily say “anymore”.

If someone wanted it bad enough they can still get it… and maybe even release a mod to carry it forward and make it available for others.

Edit: and just like if someone wanted to go back and retrieve the old Summon Hellhound art and models… that can be done. And probably with countless other instances of visual changes and omissions from over the years.

Putting this knowledge up and making it more widely known opens up a lot of instances like this now for anyone motivated to. I’m pretty sure the mod tools can gain you access now to early access builds innnards… Before we even had access to the tools.

Anwar (Desolator Pyromancer)

Fun fact: this is the first character on my roster I ever created, back in vanilla GD. Put the poor guy through hell taking him through Veteran and Elite with no gear, blueprints or mats. Accumulated over a hundred deaths over that time. After his well-deserved rest, I finally collected for him gear worthy of his grandeur and he smashed his way through Ultimate and then all the way to SR80 today.


I really dig how Grim Internals lets you take some cool screens, might mess around more later. Meanwhile here are some of my many chars.