Fashion Dawn

This helmet and weapons remind me of something… :sweat_smile:

(what is this helmet btw? would be perfect for one of my transmogs)

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Herald of the Sun, a fire build with a more scary approach since it’s spooktober

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Mythical Visage of the Black Flame

What :eyes: Would never guess based on that item icon :face_with_head_bandage:

Rhaast… like, literally

Here is more ceremonial version of my Chaos Blade Arc Witchblade (for some special occasions :slightly_smiling_face:).

and true Paladin, clad in heavy armor with two-handed weapon

Also, I have a question. Taken holds weapons with his right hand, and the shield is on the same side. Wouldn’t it be more logical if shoulder guard was located on the left side, so that it could be utilized in combat (left shoulder forward)? I am not an expert, just curious :thinking:


Were you stuck at the gardening section?

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Having some fun with ShareX

Sorry for Yolo cursor capture. It captured it even after I moved it to the side.
Turning it off in the setting worked.


How do I change the black background on ShareX? Thank you!

Please read this post: Fashion Dawn

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I just realized that haven’t posted in here for almost a year so here are a few of my newer toons :slight_smile:



Every day is “Talk Like a Pirate Day” if you are a pirate yourself. :upside_down_face:

That last pic actually reminds me how sad I am that we can’t equip guns and one handed together.

I made a similar outfit once, with cutlass instead of a pistol and a skull for focus (as it seemed the most discreet of what I had available). I was happy with it until I went back to character selection screen, and saw that he looked too much like another character of mine, only more haggard.
As I don’t like when characters look too much alike, I reskinned him completely - he is now a deathpriest of sorts.

EDIT: Meet Reza, an ex-pirate turned death cultist.

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I also thought about it but there are no pirate swords available anyway.

Thought about a skull as well.

You must mean the purple pirate / captain hat.

There is a scimitar (called, funnily, Assault Cutlass), which I thought is good enough, even though I usually roll with rapierlike Duelist’s Sabre for my long-coat swordsmen (and -women). Raider Sabre is also quite decent, though not exactly pirate-y. Both the Cutlass and Raider’s Sabre are whites, so are relatively easy to get.
Assault Cutlass even comes with a bloodied, dripping variant (though Epic), if that’s your thing.

You must mean the purple pirate / captain hat.

Not really - hat actually was the same between the two, only I used the Luminari Jacket on that other character, which looks a bit more ornate and a bit less worn (plus it comes with a sidearm, hence the sword in hand). Complete with Harvest Handguards and Greaves, and there it is, the more ornate character following the same idea. And because I like my characters diverse, I had to go back to the drawing board.

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Maria Castle - The Punisher’s wife

“Hey Frank, who we gonna kill today?”

I also need to test run these new boots I made.
I am sure they will give more oomph to a knee or a kick to the “you know where”


A Challenge to the community, should you choose to accept it.

Take a non-set Fashion Dawn outfit and make the character work using the actual items as equipment. You can set whatever endgame goal you like, have fun with it!


What do you do if you use the loyalist illusions instead!?

Hardcore itemless, starting in ultimate at lv1

Faction gear allowed?