Fashion Dawn

Are you certain? It doesn’t look anything like that in my game. Is it something modded?

yeah. or maybe you could try use GD stash and use “add all illusions”.

i already forgot :sweat_smile:

I’d rather not use GD stash, that takes away the fun in hunting rare illusions. :slight_smile:

Fair enough :smile:

It’s The Emissary’s Hood:

Not attainable thru normal means I don’t think.

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Oh, I see. Thank you.

Similar, but not exactly the same would be Harra’s Hood (legendary) - it’s more blue-ish silver, shorter and has this weird batman-esque mask attached. And you’d also need to pick a shoulder skin with it, as the scarf in the picture (or the one Emissary is wearing) is part of that unique helmet of his.
Sadly, the only one matching (reading just the scarf, no epaulets) I am aware of is the Chosen MI, which - to add insult to injury - is red and gold.

A small preview.


If that’s not bothering you, I think it’s the closest alternative.

Some recent ones of mine. Not perfect but I like the themes:



Witch Hunter


You thought of giving this witch hunter a rifle? :smiley:

"Tongue in Cheek comment - not many Witches in Grim Dawn that I have seen apart from the Coven"

Witches are very sensitive to iron as it repels them and they detest it. They can also sense it from a great distance and will quickly disappear, so an iron rifle, gun or sword would be a rather inefficient killing tool for a Witch Hunter.

The best tactic of surprising and eliminating witches as a Witch Hunter is obviously to use a weapon that they don’t see coming, like a crossbow or club made from wood.

Now Vampires and Zombies are a different kettle of fish!

Bring out all the rifles and handguns, with silver bullets for the vampires, and load up lots of shotgun shells for those pesky undead that need head shots. :grim_dawn:

But – he looks like Boba. He needs his rifle. :stuck_out_tongue:

Never noticed the resemblance :joy:

I still prefer the look of a metal Crossbow here though with the metal parts of the face, jacket and legs. The green glow gives the implication that the bolts are coated in poison as well (fittingly as the character is Acid/Poison-based).


Nice - very well fitted skins.
I personally try not to use foci other than books and auras (unless I go totally the other way and give my chara a gun or a shield), and that is because of how it looks when the character “braces” (the “armed” pose right after moving). Still though, this red horned swordsman takes the prize for me. :slight_smile:

DW Tactician


                                                               :snowflake: The Winter Queen :snowflake:

                                                  :damage_cold: Crown of the Winter King Trickster :damage_cold:

Shoulders are definitely the highlight of this illusion, didn’t want to overdo it with the ice element :cold_face:.
Had another ice arrmor in mind but couldn’t match the rest of the pieces.
As always boots are not perfect, could be a bit more brownish and smaller. Come on, there should be 15 pages of boots.
Couldn’t find matching frozen gloves, so there are basically none, only black fists.
Also the weapon is ok but not exactly what I had in mind.


Here is another Purifier, ready to cleanse Cairn with his mighty hammer and fiery invocations. The weapon illusion is slightly off color from other parts, though.


You are my nemesis and we should fight in an epic fire vs cold batltle. Imo the weapon is great. If I were to change something it would probably be the shoulders but I know you wanted them to match the fiery mask. Great anyway.

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That would be a great fight :smile:. Thank you for appreciation. I like those fiery shoulders, they fit nicely with Inquisitor theme. By the way, what program or add-on did you use for screenshots?

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Beautiful winter queen :snowflake::snowflake::snowflake:

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No add-on or program:

  • increased resolution to FullHD (normally I have lower for FPS)
  • increased UI Scale so the character is biggen on the screen
  • went to Illusionist
  • made multiple screenshots
  • joined them and blackened the arrows in Paint (I’ve just erased the arrows for the second time but in a nicer way so that there are no visible stains, 1st version is in the post above)

Imma use that symbol. And also the :damage_cold:. And :cold_face:.