Fashion Dawn

I have yet to play EoR. To me, it’s an endgame illusion for The Blood Knight set which changes the color of Bone Harvest glow from Blue/Aether to Red. Until the set and FX change, the previous illusion is recommended:


Both look cool :slightly_smiling_face:. I have Blood Deathknight, but with two Edges of Death (Omen sword illusion fits here entirely).

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I like this mask for cold Executor build. Meet your destiny!


I like the weapons. It’s really hard to know all the 1-handers because there are so many of them.

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Speaking of executor, here a Royal Executor. Being an executor doesn’t mean it stops you from using fancy cloth.


The destiny is madness, according to this helmet :smile: (no Sparta memes, please).

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Yes, that’s true. For best thematic Execution build you should go Malkadar Blades but this is Olexra’s Chill.

Just for fun…
A hat from the upcoming halloween collection
(perhaps a little too big in size for her). :laughing:


My group of tuned toons

  1. Krieg III (Aether Death Knight)
  2. Aurora Icefang (Cold DW Trickster)
  3. Aurora’s sister: Aady Icefang (Belgo BM)
  4. Heracles of Osyr (Physical Forcewave Warlord)

Even better if this hat can talk with sarcastic tone and give us evil laugh.
Put this as a drop in SR would be a lovely coordination with Gazer.
But a dream is just a dream.

[edit: more quotes]

Now we need ghostly gloves and shoulders, or ghostly mask.

Female looks pretty without helm. If only we can wear them with circlet or diadem.:heartpulse:

circlet%2003 circlet%2006 circlet%2007


Tempest of the Void and Circlet of Burning Rage are my favorite head illusion for making a flame or lightning fashion, the latter suits well with Lifeblaze Mantle and Gauntlets of Ignaffar

They are nice illusion, still they lack a sense of elegance and mystic beauty. Seeing that there’s no gender limitation on items, the possibility is approximate to 0 in GD unless Crate do more item skin like SR mask. Let’s see what surprise we could find out in GD2.

        :damage_cold: Hybrid Trozan Warlock :damage_lightning:


Retaliation Warlord, lvl 95:

Pyromancer, lvl 82:

Full Health Regen Druid, lvl 100:

Hardcore Dervish lvl 75:

Full Pets Conjurer lvl 50:

Fire Apostate lvl 53:


For tqFan (and those interested) who asked me the skins infos for the Apostate:


Mr Henry Elmsworth - Homestead Cabbage Farmer

Listen here ye kid, when I was yours year old I be grateful for whatever cabbage that big ol’ horse abomination drop on those barn.


I think you’ve mixed up Grim Dawn with PoE Harvest.

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Please PLEASE tell me this hoe is an item I can legit drop from somewhere.

It is not. Not sure if you can get it thru some mod or GD Stash perhaps but you definitely can’t get it normally.

Here’s what it is but I added the illusions with GD Stash. Don’t know how you get it.

The 3rd Shiv looks just like the dagger in the miniature.