Fashion Dawn

A sound suggestion, considering the illusion database contains quite a lot of unlootable illusions, like the farming rake, to name one.
It’s just I don’t really want to juggle save files whenver I want to actually play the game, versus wanting to design an outfit. Might experiment with hardcore characters, as they seem to be completely separate - maybe I could unlock all illusions just for this hardcore (fashion dawn) character.

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YOLO immortal, pet dervish

lord wanhoop, acid witch hunter

haendel, sword & board commando

grundich, phys retal warlord

gregorius krieg, aether deathknight

do little, pet ritualist

ctuchik, chaos purifier


Could you tell me how do you make such gifs?

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sure, I use the program ‘ShareX’ for all my screenshots, it also has a gif function


You made korvan helm look good without the korvan armor, you are a legend!

Can also pair this helm with daegas set.

Damn… forgot ShareX did that. Need to look into it and try it out. Love it for its screenshot capabilities… not the most noob friendly tool tho as its settings layout can be a bit intimidating and bloated and you have to also configure its hotkeys a little as the default setup is whack.

Show off! :stuck_out_tongue:


isn’t that the idea though?

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Haven’t noticed the pizza slicer before:

@Snazzblaster You tell me! I had to resort to purple pants because pink ones are nowhere to be found!
Fortunately I’ve managed to cover this flaw by twisting the pose.


Fire Dervish on the way!

And reworked my shieldbreaker.


This helmet and weapons remind me of something… :sweat_smile:

(what is this helmet btw? would be perfect for one of my transmogs)

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Herald of the Sun, a fire build with a more scary approach since it’s spooktober

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Mythical Visage of the Black Flame

What :eyes: Would never guess based on that item icon :face_with_head_bandage:

Rhaast… like, literally

Here is more ceremonial version of my Chaos Blade Arc Witchblade (for some special occasions :slightly_smiling_face:).

and true Paladin, clad in heavy armor with two-handed weapon

Also, I have a question. Taken holds weapons with his right hand, and the shield is on the same side. Wouldn’t it be more logical if shoulder guard was located on the left side, so that it could be utilized in combat (left shoulder forward)? I am not an expert, just curious :thinking:


Were you stuck at the gardening section?

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Having some fun with ShareX

Sorry for Yolo cursor capture. It captured it even after I moved it to the side.
Turning it off in the setting worked.


How do I change the black background on ShareX? Thank you!