Fashion Dawn

A lot of devils fear me, but there is always that arch-enemy - it is myself. :fire: :hot_face:


:faction_undead:“Vit. reaper” fashion for my Wildblood / Pox Conjurer:faction_undead:




Slani Giantslayer (Korvan Wyrm Vindicator)
Basic concept was to capture the essence of a tribal hunter. Slani’s family was killed by a giant troll up in Asterkarn Mountains and Slani only survived because she slew it with her dead mother’s crossbow. She was 5 at that time. The name Giantslayer stuck and she only went up from there, killing Manticores and even a rumored spawn of Beronath before she could even be called an adult.

To capture the tribal background, I went for as nature-based and “scrapped-together” a look as possible. Character working title was Primal Ranger. And as any proper Ranger, she comes complete with an Animal Companion.

P.S. I know I’ve been drowning this thread with fashions lately but the deluge is nearing the end. Only got 4 more chars to go in the next few weeks and then I’m out of new characters for a looong while.


Start playing either Grimarillion or Dawn of Masteries mods and you’ll have a lot MOAR to play and make fashionable! :slightly_smiling_face:

just make a dozen new chars that you fashion out as lvl 1/low level before deciding on an actual final build or “end build fashion” for set char,
no reason to ever run out of fashion options

We are just plebs, pushing the limits of what we can scrap from the vanilla game… me and Marcus… together.

Oh I’m by no means out of ideas for what to build in the base game. In fact I’ve already got a list of what to build to complete my collection (to have 2 of each class combination). I’m just not gonna be building anything new for a while cause I got big plans for when 9.8 releases. With the changes to SR I’ve decided to redo all my SR testing for all characters and I’m probably gonna be publishing the results along with my very first GD build overviews. So I’m gonna be busy for the next - checks the number of characters - decade or so.


Aldaron Stormbringer, Archon.


Glamdring, Evoker and Vindicator of Elgoloth. Dissident servant of Korvaak.


Woyan (Nex & Ortus duo-ele Saboteur)


Rashmar (Ultos Warder)


Casual Barbarian cosplay.


Neelo Quinn (Fire AAR Warlock with pets to serve as aurabots…why yes, indeed, that IS stupid, glad you noticed)

Seemed about as good a time as any to use the headpiece, seeing as he’s using Blood of Dreeg and summons pets while being mainly about scorching everything with the UNLIMITED POWAAAAH of fire. I also kinda like the dark aesthetic of the gear in combination with the blazing, bright beam of fire AAR that emerges from it. Somehow makes it feel like it’s coming straight from the spiteful black heart of hell.

(oi, where’s the AAR reflection in the water?)
Plus I finally managed to make myself not use an “I’m obviously on fire” aesthetic for a fire build, for once.


i’ve no idea what happened here, but i guess sometimes 1 rifle just isn’t enough to get the job done ? :sweat_smile:


we do a bit of double bonking too it seems :grin:

(and yes, wielding 2x Avenger clubs is OP as heck)


Some “ice mage” concept :cold_face:

And I have Cold caster builds to make :thinking:.


My 45 level (but it will be 100 soon :smile: ) Blademaster, main illusions are Belgothian Slicers, Shadowspark Hood, Rifthound Boots/Footpads/whatever, some low-level gloves and Stealth Jacket of the Blind Assassin. The Slicer on the left has augment that I just got, though I used them before I never realised they give a visual aura to the weapon… can’t get rid of that with illusions but it will be fixed sooner or later.



Qath Plagueborn (Blight Fiend spam Oppressor)


Originally intended to save the “shitwizard” aesthetic for a Ravenous Earth build but Blight Fiends look way too much like Nurgle demons to not make the character look as disgusting as possible. So we got the shithelm, the shitgloves, the shit offhand and the shitpants as the obvious choices, only question was what the shoulders and chest are gonna look like. Sadly in that respect the options weren’t sufficiently shitty so I just had to try my best to make it fit the dark colour of the top parts (helm and gloves) and the bright colour of the pants.


Regardless, nice illusion! I like how your shit (hahah, see what I did there) is thematic.

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Thank you, I do try to squeeze out as much flavour in the fashions I excrete as I can (man that’s just :nauseated_face:). This will be the last one from me for a while though. Build overviews on the way once 9.8 arrives.

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Nice nice. Yeah I haven’t been playing the ptr ad much as I’d like unfortunately to die life being busy, but Grim Dawn keeps getting more delicious buffs.