Father Abaddoth and Bloodlord Thalonis have damage reduction in Crucible

I don’t know if this is intended or not but Thalonis and Abaddoth have damage reduction in CR, specifically their Entropic Void ability. They don’t seem to have it in main campaign and in SR.

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Entropic Void is a summoned pool of damage.

Neither of these bosses has any additional damage reduction. They are identical in the Campaign and the Crucible.

Yes, but how am I getting the damage reduction debuff icon when I stand inside them in Crucible then, I paused and showed it in the video.

Oh, a debuff applied by the void pool.

Also consistent with the Campaign. The difference in fact is that in the Crucible it applies a weaker level of the Projectile Fumble debuff than it does in the Campaign/SR.

Except only those 2 bosses can summon pools with DR in CR. In campaign those same pools dont have DR.

Entropic Void - Grim Dawn Monster Database
the void summoned by grava featuring high fumble and impaired aim.

Entropic Void - Grim Dawn Monster Database
the void summoned by the above mentioned bosses without fumble.

Neither of them are supposed to apply 40% DR to the player, but that is the debuff being received while only in crucible.

I’m looking at the game data…the void these two bosses summon is the same as that used by the Loghorrean and it does have 40% DR at higher levels in the campaign and in the crucible.

Doesn’t seem to be working in main campaign then.

Yes, it was broken in the campaign, now fixed. Thanks!


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