Favourite build

Concept is indeed interesting, but imo you would achieve much better results if you would make something more aether oriented with a Decree of Aldrich, offhand, shard of agrivix and Anasteria hood. Also good choice than would be taking devotions that include spear of heaven and light of empirion.

I’d rather the extra proc, but I do have the offhand giving me RR.*
I know it’s nice, but I still hate keeping it up.
I’m focusing Chaos, not Vit, so I’d rather have the tankiness and OA I’m getting out of Soldier.
Yeah, CDR would be pretty nice.
I do have a second skill, technically. Chaos Bolt out of Void Touched Ammo, so I can proc in between my manual Doom Bolt’s cooldown. That’s the only reason I have Ammo on my offhand.

If you’ve a good idea to include some CDR, I’d at least consider it. Not sure about Time Dilation, I’ll do some devotion checking… Never had occasion to use it, though, so I’ve no idea how well it’d sort out.

  • EDIT:
    Forgot what blade I was using apparently. No proc on that green, that one’s for maxing Possession. So maybe Fang would sort out better, maybe not. Would have to try it.

I lose around 300 OA and Wayward Soul, gain Time Dilation and 20 RR out of Fang. Presumably better?

Looks fun to watch as you play it. Well done.

Viper is for the stats and devotion requirements, not the elly resist. I hate BOD because I get annoyed keeping it up. What on earth would Nightblade give me? I want to use an offhand, not a second weapon. If I don’t use Blood, I either use a potion when I am near death… Or don’t get near death. Remember, there are builds that don’t include Occultist OR Nightblade, so they don’t HAVE any healing skills like Blood or Burst. They get by just fine.

At the moment I’m using 3 pieces of the justice set (head, hands, chest) since it has high armor and fire( at least 1 elemntal) dmg. As a weapon I use beronath, reforged (or something like this name). pants, shoulders and boots pretty much green items with resists and hp. rings I use open hand close and of mercy. I’m act3 ultimate now and pretty much speedrun through everything.
But I agree, there is not enough elemental mellee gear in game atm.
as for build: max cadence (only first part, not the modifiers) and the thing that makes it 100% elemental dmg. 1 point blitz for mobility. rest in passives/auras.

> I made this build quite long ago, then Aldrich decree is very likely simple do not exist.

> No, Belgotian’s breath is lying in core of survival of this build, due to extremely low cd of pb (only 3.8 sec) we got enough time to survive until BB or mirror will be ready.

>Same as Aldrich decree.

>I really try use it, but too low OA takes effectiveness of this hood to nothing.

Anyway thanks for you suggestions, I am pleased that such a renowned master of build creation appreciated my modest build.

well you can get back your OA in investing in Blood of Dreeg (it’s one of the best skill in Occultist mastery after all …) which will free up all your Antivenom salve component slots.

Solael’s Witchfire is not very useful here as you don’t have any weapon damage skill (except your component skill which is weak either way with it’s 12% WD) and you don’t need the %damage or the Vitality resist.

I’ll do something like this : http://www.grimtools.com/calc/p255WP25 (of course, if it was my build I’ll go for shaman instead of soldier to not waste the vitality damage of the Doom bolts)

To get back to the subject, my favorite builds are DEE Witch Hunter / Savagery Warder

With an CDR of offhand, decre, anasteria hood and ofc SP you wouldn’t need to relay much on breath of belgothian or PB at all, cuz you could easily bring CD of mirror to ~10 s and CD of BB to ~9 s so you could use them more often.
I have similar tho not quite like that retaliation hybrid build. Bit more than 2500 OA is enough to reliably proc on crit procs and that amount is more than reachable. Also ˝when hit˝ devotion procs like spear of heven and light of empirion can be really strong sources of dmg.

Thx for kind words and kudos for your cool build :cool:

Shaman would lose all the OA from Fighting Spirit and Field Command though. You’d gain the Vit RR, lose the OA, probably end up about even on Health.

Yes, BoD is good, would make poison res easy… Still hate it. :stuck_out_tongue:

I tend to get hung up on builds that don’t function well or lack gear.

My first love is pure vitality melee, and while people complain about elemental melee lacking gear, pure vitality melee is worse. Great RR, though, when playing conjurer, and 50/50 chaos/vitality works pretty well.

My second love is pure elemental melee. I can get 100% conversion pretty easily. I found a spellbreaker too squishy, and sword and board battlemage lacking in damage, but dual-wield battlemage is pretty awesome, and the dual-wield relic is probably about the best you can do for a melee elemental build anyway, since Iskandra’s relic requires a caster off-hand for the proc.

Finally, I love Wind Devils. I just think they look awesome. It’s hard to fit them in a melee build, though, and I only really enjoy melee characters. Also, they’re a pain in the arse to constantly recast. I do, however have an almost pure lightning (getting 100% lightning conversion seems impossible, and there aren’t really any good lightning wands/daggers for melee) trickster that uses them, and it works fairly well.

Love my 2handed build now this http://grimcalc.com/build/1009-1jKqmT since I reset this is my new love instead of the 1 hand pistol + shield I commented yesterday cause I got whole set from 1st ever boss in act 1 near francis gun loot location which I was farming for good preffix or suffix. Ulzin’s set really meshes well with leach with health regen tank commando makes all the heroes in ultimate look like a normal mob with exception of herald of the stars, still a pain to kill.

What a waste of the soldier mastery :slight_smile:

Also, of all the things you could have picked, why Veterancy ?

You should at least pick Flashbang/Searing Light and Scars of Battle, Field Command/Squad Tactics and Oleron’s Rage otherwise no point to choose Soldier

1 point in BWC + Potency would be nice too (good damage reduction) and Thermite mine of course

EDIT : you can use Grimtools to share your build as it’s better for people to understand what you did (+skills, gear …) and provide good advice

Here’s the gear http://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2d5qLVJ Here’s the skills http://grimcalc.com/build/1009-XUaHOt. Commando build, no use for the skills your saying damage already too high i took survival skills of the soldier instead Edit: Its already long range tank that can health regen and leach life and i can fill a whole of life as as I fire the weapon. You can put points in stats anyway you like as long as ulzuin’s set will be equiped

Are those grim calc skill numbers taking into account all the bonuses from your gear? Why didn’t you just do your skills on the grim tools as well? Kind of confused why you took soldier mastery but used so few of the classes amazing skills? Also why no flash bang? Further to that why no thermite mines for the damage debuff for your chaos and fire damage? Are you wearing the boots because you have nothing better or for the poison resist? I’m not very experienced but I can see that your build is all over the place. Will leave it to more experienced people to give specific criticism. Though I will say this “I find your lack of components…disturbing.”

K here’s the build used grim tools for both of it http://www.grimtools.com/calc/DV9QqWVj and save https://mega.nz/#!cAlUyZyI . Sorry new at sharing build thankz for the tips on how to share it. Rings and Relic are still missing from my build. Damage with all augment and components is 3788 making light work of cronely

Am I wrong or did you manually input your skills and items in grim tools? You know you can import the character complete with devotion set up into grim tools from your character file, right?

No sorry din’t know that k just gonna import my build and change the relic. http://www.grimtools.com/calc/Q2zo74VA Now I will share this build on the build discussion when i reach lvl 85 and thankz for the tutorial on grimtools. Now you know why I din’t take the skills you said 5k+ damage no use for those skills already

Right now, my two favorites are the Poison/Acid Witch Hunter, and the Infernal Knight Commando, I’m working on both, and as I get close to completing their respective sets, they are great.

I’m also trying the Pyromancer Pet build, and am enjoying that while leveling so far.

Vitality Conjurer, DEE Witchblade, BWC Sorcerer and Stun Jacks Elementalist are some of my favourite builds.