you can assign attack to a key by changing a skill bar slots keybind to that key. then changing the skill in that slot to attack (the sword icon). you can also do this with move (the hand icon), also the skill bar has a slot for right and left mouse click that you can assign skills to, as well. by default attack moves as well as attacks. you don’t need to wear out the mouse clicking everything. like in a lot of other similar games. the move to skill is a neat way to avoid attacking stuff and can also be set to be useable to break breakables. which allows a fine level of control in situations when a variety of different targetables are crammed into a small space
You gave a nice tutorial but from what I understand they simply want to have the function of LMB available for other buttons. Which is the combination of Move and some skill which currently is only possible for LMB.
Thanks for the skill slot idea, I hadn’t thought of that. It doesn’t however achieve what I would like. Adding ‘weapon attack’ to a skill slot doesn’t behave like left-click. What I’m looking for is allowing left-click to be (also) bound to a key, simply put. I’ve tried doing that with key remapping in the OS but that doesn’t work.
To be honest I’ve always found it weird that ARPGs in general don’t allow remapping of left-click. Keeping that mouse button down for long periods of time is uncomfortable. I’ve used the mouse buttons on my laptop’s touchpad in the past to deal with this but my new laptop doesn’t have mouse buttons, only a touchpad, hence my request.
That looks and sounds useful but I’m on Linux. My remapping attempts with default OS tools didn’t go well (holding a key down only registers as one click) so I may need to look into some additional tools. Thanks though.
was thinking something similar with “A” button on controller. it appears to have all these complex things going on with it. where functionality is disabled or restored under different conditions. thought it would be really nice to being able to disable the actual “A” button functionality and use it as a skill button. except there is no keybind for it. also got that problem with the right analog stick. i want to rebind it to several different things. instead of having it bound to zoon and rotation. as i never use those. or at least unbind those. as its useful for using as a button. except that every time i press it i have a chance of accidently toggling zoom or rotation. and exacerbating the vertigo that different types of camera movement gives me
If you’re on Steam at least I’m pretty sure you can do all these things in Big Picture (doesn’t need to use Big Picture afterwards, just for configuration after you set it up to override the in-game config).
For those interested:
I found a solution for Linux. It’s relatively easy to bind a mouse button to a keyboard key. If people are interested I’ll post how to do it. Or you can look here: