Feature Request: New "Health Bars" Settings

I play with everything in the “Health Bars” settings pane disabled. This makes the game much more immersive, because there is no floating text, numbers or bars on the map. There are two little things which with break that RPG immersion: glowing items on the ground and NPC icons above their heads. The solution is simple: add two new settings in the Health Bars pane to toggle this off. I mean something like “Disable Ground Item Glow”. That effect looks like something straight from WoW, and it’s not needed in GD, because items are always visible, unlike WoW. The second option would be “Disable NPC Markers”, or something like that. The idea is that all those markers are already visible on the mini-map, at a glance, so there is no need to force those icons in the main view, because experienced players know who is who, and you can always look at the mini-map, or hover cursor over an NPC, to double check.

On more thing thing which breaks RPG immersion are those dynamite place models. It’s those large white rings with a white dynamite model. They look terrible, like a placeholder art, and strongly break immersion. A simple solution would be to replace them all with a small, decent looking model in all such places. There are some detonation sites in the game which use very nice models, and there are also many other places where that ugly placeholder art is used for years.