Feed Back Need - TSS/SS Spellbreaker with 100% Lightening to Cold Conversion

Continuing SR testing shows this build needs Golemborn boots to stay alive at SR60+ It doesn’t impact dps that much, but it is noticeable in high shards. Still, without them, the build’s too glassy. Also, didn’t take up any of the shrines as it helps work out the weakness of this build :stuck_out_tongue:

Got to SR70 finally, but the game’s crashed on me twice SS-ing to targets. Which is rather annoying given it’s been fine the rest of the SR level climb…

But so far, it’s been able to carve through 90% of the mobs, eats all but 3 nemesi for breakfast, and it can GTFO when needed to draw enemies away from healers. Then strike at the healers or continue running while frostburn takes stuff out to hit the souls needed. Though the elemental resistance buff that can roll is a royal pain in the rear as you eat through tinctures.

Definitely not a build you can play drunk though, as you have to be on your toes the whole time.

Rough Nemesi to avoid if possible list:

Moo-kins - takes ages, crystals way to tanky frankly. Can be killed though within time limits.
Fabius - often stacking way to much cold resistance, so fight takes far too long.
Kaisen - he’s a douchebag, with strangely high cold resistance, or he just has too much health. Secret’s to eat a lightening pot and pelt him with cursed tinctures

Boss rooms wise, the Shattered Sentinel and The Steward have so far proven the most annoying to deal with. The Mad Queen should be left until last to give enough room to escape. As should any of the nemesi that roll with high cold resist. Oh and the Map Room Guardians hit pretty hard as well, but not as much of a threat. As you can focus them down to the main guardian.

Unfortunately, like many of the movement runes that throw you backwards, sometimes the terrain in boss rooms will cause issues. Mainly the floor grates, so positioning needs to be watched.

Right, dinner, then onto SR75 finally.

Sr 75 done, and of course the run I did it on had +15% elemental resistance for monsters… Hard, but got enough RR to get to the end of 75.

Died 5 times, mainly due to sleep debt induced clumsiness on my part. Cause of deaths = Moo-kins and Fabius due to low physical resistance on this build. But I think this build can manage to run SR75-76 okay.

Bosses wise Salazaar’s become a major threat now in SR70+ But Moosiluake is the hardest boss to face and takes the longest too.


Blame the notification’s system - anyhow, this can now handle SR75-76 pretty damn well due to the changes in the patches + feedback in this thread. And I suspect the coming changes will help considerably with SR80-81 and maybe even SR85-86 lawl. Moo’s Crystals are still total garbage of course.

Current status:

Tempted to drop Giant, but it synergises nicely with Pneumatic Burst and probably saved my arse a couple of times on the climb to 85. Which I died a lot doing. Because I didn’t edit the levels of the added devotions and levelled them by doing the climb :upside_down_face:

Anyhow - damage output in SR75-76 is now obscene, it melts everything bar Moo and Kuba and gets crits on nearly every hit. While retaining decent stand-off capabilities for dealing with Valdaran’s bs.

Last bump lawl.

SR75-76 clear:

Not the fastest I’ve done, because it can be done in about 10 minutes, but that’s RNG for you.

SR80-81 is still being processed will edit this post once it’s done. Though I will note Moo can be a roadblock, so I can’t cert this as 100% SR80+ at this moment. Because if the enemy physical damage modifier is up, this build is easily murderised by the big git.

edit - whoops, forgots: