[Feedback] About Goredrinker Tactician

so, after recent somewhat-buffs to pierce I decided to give a spin to my old DW Goredrinker Tactician that actually never saw the light. I made multiple SR runs, here are a couple of them:

most runs are in 5:30-5:40 range. didn’t try Crucible since who even cares about it now.

so, about the build:

  • solo- and AoE-damage are kinda ok, having multi-target cadence with DoT help is nice. WoP, on the other hand, only tickles monsters instead of doing anything meaningful.
  • build has very poor resists - bleed is non-existent (even if not needed), chaos and aether are w/e, CC-resists are kinda sad, only trap is overcapped.
  • build is VERY short on OA. having barely 3k on a pierce build is a nonsense. and Goredrinker is also a heavy armor set which means you need to invest a shitton of attributes into physique just to wear it.
  • build is also very short on skill points. I had to drop seal altogether because 1) it’s a 3rd cast on a melee build with 145% cs and 2) I was in dire need of points.

What I suggest?

  • add flat and/or % OA to the set. sth like 50 OA on the shoulders and 5% on helm will go a long way. also, maybe, Unknown Soldier could get an OA bump.
  • change fire>pierce to ele>pierce conversion, or simply add 100% ele>pierce for WoP modifier. this will allow it to probably deal SOME damage.
  • replace some of the vit res on the set with freeze/stun res, since they’re kinda lacking and vit res is aplenty.
  • change the flat phys on ammy’s proc to pierce since phys cannot be converted and makes little sense all in all (and maybe lower it’s cd a bit).
  • Reaver’s Claw can get some love. +1 target and some flat to Cadence, compared even to Nightclaw, is a pretty poor bonus.

so, did you have any experience with pierce in total and maybe Goredrinker as well? if yes, please share your opinion here.


Seconding the OA especially. Also, by the grace of god, please make pierce cadence gear that gives points to the base skill instead of fighting form. The 4 piece set bonus can easily be a +3 cadence instead.

Thirding (don’t care if it’s not a word) the OA suggestion, i always give up on a build with the Goredrinker set because i always get an abysmal OA value (and i do full cunning investment).

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thirding (plural thirdings)

  1. (obsolete) A riding (administrative division).
  2. The third part of anything; one third.

Absent OA, very squishy and that fire to pierce conversion doesnt really help (should really be changed to ele to pierce).

Totally agree on these suggestion, and fourthing(?) the OA increase. Any Goredrinker build I tried seems to must include Inqui AoConviction to have acceptable OA. I don’t mind if the set 3p bonus reduced from 24% health to 20% if we can get 5% to OA somewhere in the set or in shoulder piece.