[Feedback] Aether Infiltrator (Blaze Herald melee)

We all know that pierce and cold Infiltrators can be quite powerful, and itemization for them is a-plenty. But a certain item named Blaze Herald hints at something slightly different. When it was first introduced, it also had aether RR to WoP - which, I agree, was a bit too much. So it got removed. Nevertheless, there’s still certain potential in this item - I thought so, anyway.

At any rate, here’s the build I’ve put together: Infiltrator, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

It looks really promising, except for one thing: DPS output is pretty underwhelming. I had no experience with Beronath AA, so maybe my expectacions were a bit high, but either way, here’s DPS in-game with everything (Inquis. Seal, Deadly Aim, Battle Cry from pants) active:

That seems a bit too low for a DW melee. looks like the only “proper” way to fixe that is to get a hold of not one, but two double rare Blaze Heralds, probably “Aetherfire … of Shattered Reality” to get a bunch of flat, percent damage and attack speed. But according to my [Extemely Precise Calculations]™, it will take you exactly 10 000 years to accomplish.

Here’s a video demonstration of build’s performance in SR65 with rather neutral mutators. (put this on x2 speed or something, it’s pretty boring)

One thing I must say about the build is that it’s pretty durable. Another thing is that not all of my devotions were max level. Of most importance is Widow - I think it had 30 or 31 RR at the moment of recording.

Soooo, where am I going with this? Well, first off, WoP mod on the weapon is kinda… meh? I even took WoP conduit to complement it, and all things considered, it does an okay job at killing/weakening trash. But that’s about it. I feel like it should provide some flat aether damage to WoR instead. Like, keep Death Sentence skill bonus, but give a WoR mod. Cause I find it hard to believe someone would take that weapon for WoP mod exclusively (like Mage Hunter or Apostate, for example).

If that’s a no-no, then maybe Soulare’s helmet could receive some Inquisitor support? Like 20 flat and 100% aether damage to WoR or Aura of Conviction - something of that nature perhaps.

Now, before anyone asks why on earth I took aether WoP conduit instead of Veil of Shadow one with extra RR:

  1. I didn’t have it and couldn’t be bothered crafting one;
  2. If a conduit for aether WoP exists, might as well use it. And a bit of elemental → aether conversion isn’t that bad to have;
  3. Build already has 120 RR which is actually more than Spellbinders can usually achieve;
  4. Might also make of point of maybe not using it, heh-he.

Well, that’s that then, I suppose. It could use some damage boost, maybe even at the cost of durability, if that’s doable.


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