[Feedback] Arcane Tempest set

Arcane Tempest set needs to be buffed to get more love and be valuable for GD players.

I like the concept of the set (both epic and mythical variants) and it seems to have a potential. However to my regret I was not able to find builds using it in GD Build Compendiums. I do remember old build from vanilla game (probably it was for GD version posted in our community forum and few discussions on this forum. Looks like the set is not interesting or effective enough to be considered as core elemement of build concept and I would like to change it.

My proposal is to boost the damage dealt by Arcane Tempest set granted skill, at least do it for % Weapon Damage. If needed required player level can be changed from 82 to 94. Below I will try to provide clear justifications for this.

  1. The mythical set version should give valuable bonuses compared to the basic version. Let’s compare Arcane Storm and Arcane Tempest sets:

The difference in Aether Lightning skill damage between basic and mythical set versions is not noticable.

Let’s make some calculations. Let “m” be coefficient of the boost for skill aether damage (for example, +1000% to aether damage => m=10), “n” - coefficient of the boost for skill lightning damage boost, “k” - coefficient of the boost for skill base % weapon damage. To make calculation easy will take skill maximum base lightning damage, will not consider any conversions except from amulet: 30% Aether Damage converted to Lightning Damage and additional boosts like “+x% to all damage”. Also consider the weapon does not have aether damage. So we have:

Aether Lightning damage from Arcane Storm:
15% (weapon) *k + (315 + 66)*n (lightning) + (220 - 66)*m (aether)

Aether Lightning damage from Arcane Tempest:
15% (weapon) *k + (340 + 72)*n (lightning) + (240 - 72)*m (aether)

And the boost value we will get if switch from basic set version to mythical will be 31n (lightning) + 14m (aether). If for example n=m=20 (solid damage boost), boost value will be equal to 620 (lightning) + 280 (aether).

  1. What makes me to be upset and to feel sad is the fact that granted skill from Arcane Tempest (mythical set version!) has ~2 times less “% weapon damage” bonus compared to the same bonus type from Acid Purge skill granted by high level componet “Seal of Blight”. This seems wrong to me. From my point of view Arcane Tempest deserves “% weapon damage” boost in order to align granted skill properties with the set status.

I would be glad and appreciate much if community and Crate team will share their thoughts and feedbacks on this

Thanks and regards,

Suggested buffs

-Reduce crit damage of Arcane Storm (Non-mythical version) to 25%
-Increase weapon damage to 20% on the skill (Arcane Tempest)
-Add 6% ADCtH to the skill (Arcane Tempest)
-Increase number of targets to 6 on the skill (Arcane Tempest)
-10-15% Reduced target’s Aether Resistance

4 items (including Temporal Tempest) are required to make an optimal build using this skill. Considering the opportunity cost and the fact that this is the ONLY GREEN LIGHTNING skill in the game usable by the player (Aether Conduit is a proc) I’d say the buffs are reasonable.
I am fine with the skill lacking Single target damage but at least give it AoE potential and some other gimmicks for us to work with.

Chthon, your proposal for buffs looks good and reasonable for me. Would be great to get feedback from Crate team.

They don’t respond to all the threads but do read them. I am just waiting to see changes to the set in the upcoming patch or the one after that

It’s great you made the thread. We need more green lightning

I see.

+1 :slight_smile:

I am leveling up my Druid build focused on aether lightning and actively using granted skill from Arcane set. I would like to provide feedback based on my findings. In short, from my point of view, Arcane Tempest set needs buffs to be valuable for aether & lightning builds and provide better support for it.

Below you can find statistic comparing Aether Lightning skill (from Arcane Storm set) power with skills granted from components and having similar mechanic.

Grim tools calc: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YVWypKLN

  1. Aether Lightning damage vs. Aether Corruption (Seal of Corruption)
    Aether lightning deals higher damage, but it is one time damage while Aether Corruption deals specified damage withing the duration time in 5 seconds (correct me if I missed something) and lowers enemy aether & lightning resistancies.

  1. Aether Lightning vs. Chain Lightning (Seal of Skies)
    Aether Lightning deals more damage in total, but the difference per main damage types (aether & lightning vs. cold & lightning) is not significant.

In end-game setup with mythical gear Aether Lightning will definitely have higher damage. However I doubt it will be sufficient to make Arcane Tempest set valuable option for caster builds. What do you think?

P.S: Feel free to provide feedback on this and to share your thoughts.


So, basically Arcane Tempest’s damage still doesn’t manage to outdo the damage of a single component skill

I’ve already stated whatever buffs should be given to this skill. Hopefully Ancient Grove patch or PixelBeast Patch will solve this


Yes, Strannik, All “plague” skills refresh their damage each second similar to CoF. This also makes them perfect for devotion binding

I hope so too.

Thanks for confirmation. Will keep it in mind.

P.S: To make it clear - the statistic was provided for Aether Lighning skill from non-mythical set version, i.e. Aether Storm. However I don’t believe switching to Arcane Tempest set on high levels will change the situation dramatically.

This is pretty easy to fix, just add more base damage. That should solve it, right?

My understanding is to solve the issue we need at least to increase base damage and add reducing target’s aether resistance as set bonus. It is hard to get good aether RR for builds setups using aetherstorm set(s) and focused on aether and/or lightning damage.

The skills sucks because it is Target Locked :mad:. I don’t understand why they made it this way when most (if not all) casted skills do not need a target to use :confused:

Did you try to play around with casting modes (Classic casting/Classic targeting) available in options menu and test it?

BTW, I definitely want the range of Aether Lightning/Aether Corruption/Chain lightning skills to be increased - I got an impression that distance between my caster and Mad Queen was not enough compared for example with Panetti’s Missiles.

P.S: Sometime it is non-trivial to destroy the objects using these skills.

I finally reached lvl 82 and was able to compare aetherstorm sets: non-mythical version vs. mythical version. No difference in gear setup except the jewelry. No suprise Aether Lightning damage boost is not significant.

Grim tools calc: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YNnapWgZ

Screenshot with damage data statistic, where the first row is for Arcane Storm set and the second row is for Arcane Tempest set:

P.S: Forgot to mention the folllowing nuances regarding my gear:

  1. The difference in “+x% Lightning/Aether” damage boost between two aetherstorm sets items is not big (~15-20%) or even pretty close (~1-5%).

  2. The non-mythical and mythical amulet versions have the same “x%” conversion of Aether damage to Lightning.


The patch brought a lot of changes. In particular skills with similar mechanic from Arcane Tempest set and from Seal of Skies were buffed. Below you can find damage data comparsion for these skills:


Can we please get 6-8% ADCtH on this set’s skill? I mean I am fine with Chain Lightning being ahead in the damage front at this point.

No chance to see this set skill become really good apparently ^^

Yeah, ADCtH bonus would be nice to have for this set.

I tried to play around to test the set for lightning focusing builds. Well, it still deals less damage (~ 1500) compared to Chain Lightning skill.

Grim tools calc: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/eVL345L2

Aether Lightning damage statistic:

Chain Lightning damage statistic:

The build setup is not polished - just for testing purpose. In any case the set now looks and feels much better than it was. Increased number of targets is cool.